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The Woo Insider is a private website for our pediatric and medicine-pediatric residents that organizes information about our program and provides online education to supplement in-person learning. Residents have been at the heart of its development and have created content hand-in-hand with faculty input. The site specifically includes:

  •  Resources: A curated collection of resources and curriculums for residents to learn about and peruse, ranging from procedure videos, to code leadership support, to online primary care curriculums and parenting books.
  • Topics: Resident-created/faculty-edited snippets of learning for must-know pediatric topics, organized for outpatient, inpatient, and critical care areas. Each topic has learning objectives, articles (review papers, guidelines), alternative learning-style resources such as videos, and self-assessment questions.
  • Rotations: Information and supplemental learning organized by rotation, so that residents have up to date goals and objectives, handouts, and additional learning to guide them through their year.
  • Logistics: A wealth of important details, including: scheduling and elective guidance, quality improvement curriculum and projects, technical/EMR support, mentorship support, an active list of faculty research projects, and more.