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Clinical Care Pathway

Geeda Maddaleni, MD | Geeda.Maddaleni@umassmemorial.org 

Education Program Specialist
Gabriella Knight | Gabriella.Knight@umassmed.edu 

Class of 2027 Student Representatives
Christian Hoyos | christian.hoyos@umassmed.edu 
Maia Shalev | maia.shalev@umassmed.edu 

Pathway Description 

The Clinical Care Pathway focuses on fostering excellence in clinical care. Through didactic, small group and immersive sessions, students will learn about communication, high value care, team-based care, cultural humility, and interprofessional care. Pathways Longitudinal Projects (PLP) may focus on addressing a clinical problem, health care gap, patient safety issue or patient education gap via innovation, quality improvement intervention, development of educational materials, or prospective research.


  • Interactive class sessions consisting of brief student presentations and feedback
  • Opportunity to collaborate with UMass faculty in strengthening communication techniques 
  • Strengthen written and oral communication skills through presentations and patient interviews
  • Exposure and access to expert communicators through the palliative care department

Sample Topics Covered

  • Hypothesis driven history taking
  • Foundations of effective communication and therapeutic relationships led by the Palliative Care team
  • Clinical Teaching and structured communication including conflict resolution techniques

January 2024 | cjb