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Capstone Adjunct Reviewer | Application

Capstone students submit a variety of project reports throughout their medical school years, beginning with a very basic Topic Selection, culminating with the Final Project Write-up and Project Presentation in their Advanced Studies (4th) year. While all reports are reviewed by the Capstone Leadership Team, there are two opportunities for members of the UMass Chan professional community to review and offer feedback for the students in the capacity of "Adjunct Reviewer". 

  • AS Final Project Write-up | March, April
  • Capstone Project Presentation | May 21 2025 | virtual

The goals of your review are to note compliance with project requirements (through the rubric) and to provide supportive and constructive feedback on the student work. Because of this framework, you need not be a content expert in the area of the students' work, which range from basic science to clinical and population health, to community engagement, education, the humanities, and beyond.

We thank you for your support of our curriculum and our students through serving as a project reviewer; by doing so you are modeling a professional opportunity that our students will participate in soon as faculty themselves! We hope that you will enjoy this opportunity to provide feedback and help to both shape and learn more about what interests the physicians of the future. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the course or this process at any time.


Capstone Adjunct Reviewer Information | AY24-25

Select the type(s) of review you prefer (check as many as apply)

updated OCT 2 2024 | cjb