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UMass Chan Medical School/UMass Memorial Health Resources for Wellness

Maintaining personal wellness requires attention to health and fitness, integrating work and family life, and the support to meet life challenges. UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Health (UMMH) provide resources, policies, and procedures in the following areas to help faculty maintain personal wellness:

Health & Fitness

Integrating Work & Family

Facing Challenges

Health & Fitness

UMass Memorial Center for Mindfulness: The Center has pioneered the integration of mindfulness-based approaches in mainstream medicine and healthcare through patient care, research, academic medical and professional education. The Center includes the Stress Reduction Clinic – the oldest and largest academic medical center-based stress reduction program in the world. For more information see the Center website.

Fitness Centers: UMass Chan Medical School has two fitness centers, one located on the University Campus and the other at South Street, Shrewsbury. For more information see the Fitness Center website.

Diversity & Inclusion Office
The Diversity and Inclusion Office (DIO) is the primary vehicle for guiding the diversity and inclusion efforts of the academic health sciences center. The DIO has developed initiatives on Engagement and sponsors events throughout the year to promote diversity and inclusion.

Integrating Work & Family

Child Care Services: UMass Chan Medical School sponsors a child care center for infants, toddlers and preschool children close to University and Memorial campuses. For more information see the Human Resources Child Care webpage.

Extension of Probationary Period for Tenure Track Faculty: The 8-year probationary period for faculty on the tenure track may be extended to a maximum of 12 years on request by the faculty member. For more information, see Extension of the Probationary Period (Section 4.5.e of the Academic Personnel Policy).

Mothers Rooms: The Mothers rooms are available to any nursing mother who is a student or employed by UMass Chan Medical School or UMass Memorial Health Care (UMMHC). Each room provides private space where nursing mothers are welcome to express milk or nurse during their time on the University campus or South Street campus.  For more information see here

Part-time Faculty Guidelines: Both tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty may seek a part-time effort assignments by negotiation with their department chair (or Program Director) - refer to the Guidelines for Part Time Faculty Effort at UMass Chan Medical School/UMass Memorial Medical Group (UMMMG). Faculty must be employed for a minimum of 20 hours per week to qualify for full benefits. Over 300 employed UMass Chan Medical School faculty currently have part-time appointments.

Retirement: Transition through retirement is a major life passage that affects both the faculty member and the Institution. The OFA, in partnership with the Human Resources Departments of the UMass Chan Medical School and UMMMG and with the input of focused work groups, has developed pre-retirement, retirement and post retirement programs, guidelines, and materials to aid both faculty and their Departments. For more information see Transition Through Retirement.

Work-Life and Wellness Programs: UMass Chan Medical School provides programs to address work-life issues and to enhance the wellness of employees. For more information see the Human Resources Work-Life and Wellness website.

Facing Challenges

Mental Health Services for Fellows, Residents, and Faculty: UMass Chan Medical School and UMMH are committed to supporting faculty, house officers, and other health professionals during all stages of their career. This website provides links to a self-assessment to determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a mental health professional, resources on Mindfulness and Self-Help, and contact information for counseling for residents, fellows and faculty.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): UMass Chan Medical School maintains an extensive employee assistance program through the Human Resources Department. Faculty may contact the EAP to seek help and resources for a wide range of personal problems and issues. For more information see the EAP website.

Family and Medical Leave: Faculty members employed by either UMass Chan Medical School or UMMH may be granted leave pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

  • Download the FMLA policy for UMass Chan Medical School-employed faculty. (UMass Chan Medical School Intranet site: login required)
  • Download the FMLA policy for UMMH-employed faculty (UMMH Ournet site: login required) https://ournet1.umassmemorial.org/Administrative/Departments/hrf/Documents/Policies_MG_Physician/Physician%20Policy%20-%204030%20FMLA%20July%202017.%20FINAL.docx