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WFC Subcommittees

The Women's Faculty Committee (WFC) may establish subcommittees from time to time to assist in the workings and management of the Committee.  Such subcommittees shall adopt rules and regulations concerning the conduct of their business and meetings consistent with the general provisions and requirements of the UMW Governance Document, the involved School’s Bylaws, and the WFC Bylaws.  All conduct and any recommendations of such subcommittees are advisory only to the governance body under which they serve.

A. Subcommittee Membership:

Faculty who are interested in serving on a subcommittee of the WFC shall submit a request to the WFC Co-chairs.  The subcommittee membership shall be appointed annually by majority vote of the WFC.

B. Subcommittee Co-chairs

1. The voting membership of the WFC shall elect two subcommittee Co-chairs for each of the subcommittees identified herein.

2. Responsibilities of the Co-chairs are to:

a. Serve as voting members of the WFC
b. Make reports to the WFC, as requested
c. Preside at all meetings of the subcommittee
d. Provide items to the WFC that require a vote

 C. Nominations and Election

1. Nominations shall be solicited by the Co-chairs of the WFC and forwarded to the Administrative Support designee for preparation of the ballot.

2. Elections for the subcommittee Co-chairs for the upcoming year shall occur at the last meeting of the current academic year.

3. Terms are for three years and shall be staggered.


  1. Communications - The WFC publishes an electronic newsletter several times a year with items of interest to women faculty, including events, faculty profiles, and relevant research results.
  2. WFC Awards - WFC sponsors an awards luncheon each year. Members solicit and review nominations, choose the slate of 2-4 candidates for each award to be voted on by all WFC members, and typically select a speaker on the topic of “mentoring women.”
  3. Women Career Development - Possible activities include arranging speakers for WFC meetings, or organizing campus-wide workshops on career development.
  4. Women’s Health - WFC sponsors a speaker or panel of speakers on a topic of interest to the larger UMass community on Women’s Health each year. Members identify a topic and speaker(s), and ensure that appropriate arrangements and publicity are carried out.
  5. Women’s History - In conjunction with the Professional Women’s Committee and the Women’s Leadership Working Group, WFC sponsors a speaker on women’s history each year during Women’s History Month. Members collaborate in planning and hosting this event.
  6. Work-Life-Wellness - Possible activities include arranging for speakers for WFC meetings or campus-wide events on topics relevant to work-life balance, or identifying resources that aid in work-life balance.