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Women's Faculty Committee

Women's Faculty Committee Mission Statement

The Mission of the Women's Faculty Committee (WFC) of UMass Chan Medical School/UMass Memorial Health (UMMH) is to address the needs of women faculty and promote the status of women in the UMass Chan Medical School and the UMass Memorial Health Care clinical system. 

Our goals include the following: 

  • To encourage the hiring, promotion and retention of women faculty
  • To provide appropriate programming and special events to enhance career development.
  • To provide oversight in hiring individuals in administrative and leadership positions in the school and clinical system as well as oversight of the composition of the major committees in each system so as to have fair representation.
  • To promote Women's Health initiatives in the clinical system and medical school curriculum.
  • To provide mentoring of medical and graduate students for careers in clinical and academic medicine.
  • To create a supportive and welcoming environment so women faculty may grow in their roles as clinicians, educators, researchers, scholars, leaders and mentors.

All faculty are welcome to participate regardless of gender or gender identify.

Check out publications and presentations by Women Faculty at the library's eScholarship site!

Purpose:  The Women’s Faculty Committee (WFC) provides input from the women faculty of UMass Chan Medical School on matters relevant to women faculty, including recruitment, hiring, professional development, advancement, and retention of women faculty; seeks to promote equity in policies, practices, and procedures of the institution; and may advise the Chancellor on the appointment of candidates for senior leadership positions including Provost, Deans, Chairs and Directors.

Reports to: Chancellor

Governance & Bylaws

The Faculty Council is a Governing Body as defined in the UMass Chan Medical School Governance Document.  The description of the council, including duties and membership, can be found in the UMW Governance Document here.

The Women's Faculty Committee has developed bylaws for the purpose of establishing Chair, quorum and standard operating procedures.  The bylaws are available here.


The WFC shall meet monthly, September through June.  The schedule of meetings shall be distributed to the members at the first meetingof the year.  Additional meetings may be called by the WFC co-chairs with advance notive of five (5) days.  The Faculty-at-Large, residents, post-docs, and students are welcome to attend all meetings.