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UMass Chan Mentoring Advisory Board

As part of her Joy McCann Professorship scholarship, Dr. Julia D. Andrieni set a goal to create a continuum of mentoring programs to meet the needs of students, trainees and senior faculty. In collaboration with the Provost and Office of Faculty Affairs, the UMass Chan Mentoring Advisory Board was established in 2011. Members of the Advisory Board represented the spectrum of mentoring needs across the entire campus: the three Schools, the mission areas, and various mentoring communities. The term for membership was one year with the opportunity for reappointment. Meetings were held quarterly.

The key responsibilities of this Advisory Board included:

  • assisting in identifying mentoring needs
  • assisting in the development of new mentoring initiatives
  • serving as a forum to share best practices in mentoring
  • reviewing and evaluating current mentoring activities

The following poster was presented at the AAMC Annual Meeting, November 2013:View Abstract,View Poster