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Adjunct Faculty

(See APP, Section 6.4)

Individuals who hold a primary faculty appointment at another academic or research institution may be appointed as Adjunct Faculty based on their expected contributions to UMass Chan Medical School educational and research programs. Individuals are usually appointed at the faculty rank (or equivalent) that the individual holds at their primary institution. The term “Adjunct” precedes the academic rank: e.g., Adjunct Professor of Department.


Individuals are appointed for a one-year term on recommendation by the chair or Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing Dean (as applicable) and approval through the procedures for appointment and promotion with the exception that the requirements for letters of evaluation are modified (APP, Section 3.12.c.iv). For appointment of Adjunct Faculty, a letter is required from the chair or equivalent official at the institution where the individual holds their primary academic appointment. This letter should confirm the candidate’s rank and title, confirm that the candidate is in good academic standing, and recommend the candidate for an adjunct appointment at UMass Chan Medical School. No other letters of evaluation are required.


Individuals may be reappointed annually on review and recommendation by the chair or Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing Dean and approval by the T.H. Chan School of Medicine Dean (if applicable) and Provost or their designee.


Individuals may resign their faculty appointment on prior written notification to the chair or Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing Dean (as applicable) at the earliest possible opportunity, but at least 90 days prior to the effective date of resignation.


The appointment of an Adjunct Faculty member may be terminated at any time by the chair, T.H. Chan School of Medicine Dean, or Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing Dean (as applicable) on prior written notification to the individual at least 30 days in advance of termination of appointment.