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Oat Flaxseed Wraps

Prep Time: 5 minutes    Cook Time: 4 minutes per wrap               Makes: 4 wraps


  • 1 cup oat flour (1 cup gluten free rolled oats + high-speed blender = oat flour)
  • ¼ cup ground flaxseed meal
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 2/3 cup hot water, plus ~1/4 cup warm water


  1. Combine ingredients to a medium mixing bowl. Add water and stir. You may need to add ~1/4 cup water to batter, as the flaxseed binds the batter, and it might become too stiff to spread.
  2. Form batter into a ball and divide into 4 small balls. Press each ball between 2 squares of lightly oiled parchment paper. (Or lightly dust with oat flour, but I find oil works best). Roll into 6” circle.
  3. Lightly oil a non-stick skillet. Gently peel/loosen a corner of the wrap that is stuck to the parchment paper, then flip it onto the skillet, removing the parchment paper. Cook for ~2 minutes per side. Remove from skillet and repeat with the remaining batter.

Refrigerate wraps up to a week or freeze up to 3 weeks.


Photo/Image Credit: Rene Maserati 

IBD-AID Phases II and III