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Eat Better Feel Better

Eating on the Road

martes, noviembre 26, 2019



With the holiday season in full swing, you may find yourself traveling long distances. Whether you travel by car or plane, you can still make healthy choices while you’re away from home. Here are a few suggestions!

  1. Find the refrigerated case – At least one refrigerator in most gas stations or rest stops will contain choices like low fat string cheese, Greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, single serving containers of hummus, and sometimes even guacamole! Larger airports often have newsstand type stores that usually contain these offerings too. You may also find cut up fruits and vegetables in the refrigerated case.
  2. Check for fruits – It is pretty common to find whole fruits like apples, oranges, or bananas at rest stops or airports. If you stay in a hotel, they may also provide these at the breakfast buffet, or the staff can give you one “to go” when you check out. A serving of dried fruit per day can also be a healthy choice and can help prevent constipation, which is a common annoyance while traveling.
  3. Be prepared – If you know you will be tempted by salty or sugary snacks while traveling, try to prepare some small snacks before you leave home. A bag of homemade trail mix is easily packed and can keep you full and energetic while you travel. My favorite trail mix blend lately is shelled pistachios, dried cheese crisps, roasted chickpeas, and a few dates. If you’re traveling internationally though, make sure your chosen snacks will pass through customs, or eat them all before you hit the border!
  4. Hydrate carefully – Though it may sound appealing to relax with an alcoholic beverage before your flight, alcohol is dehydrating and may make you feel worse during your travels. Carbonated beverages are a popular choice and may settle a queasy stomach, but they can also provoke painful gas as you experience the altitude changes during flight. The best choice is plain water. You can buy a bottle of water once you’re through security, or fill up an empty bottle that you brought from home at a water fountain.
  5. Search the sides – If you’re dining at a restaurant, you’ll likely find that the entrees are expensive and often high in calories, fat, and sodium. Read through the whole menu - you may find healthier options amongst the side dishes or appetizers, like roasted vegetables or side salads.

Wishing you safe and healthy travels this holiday season!

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