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Roasted Rosemary Sweet Potatoes

5-6 servings  
Preparation: 10 minutes, Baking: 30-35 minutes 

3 large Sweet Potatoes 
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil 
6-8 cloves peeled garlic, sliced in half 
2 teaspoons dried rosemary, crushed 
1-2 teaspoons salt 

Preheat oven to 375 
Wash and dry sweet potatoes. 
Cut into 1” cubes 
Place sweet potatoes in baking pan 
Drizzle olive oil, garlic, rosemary and salt over sweet potatoes. Mix until potatoes are well coated 
Bake for 25-30 minutes, flip and stir potatoes every 10 minutes to assure even cooking. 
Test for doneness by inserting fork into potato. They should be tender yet hold their shape. 

Remove from oven, cool about 10 minutes. 


Per serving (118g): 152 calories, 5.6g fat, 0.8g sat fat, 23.8g carbohydrate, 2.4g protein, 3.8g fiber, 53mg calcium, 1mg iron, 22mg vitamin C, 276mg sodium, 

NOTE: Good source of beta carotene