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Baked Squash and Turnips

2 small or 1 large butternut squash 
1 tsp. sesame oil 
4-5 medium turnips 
¼ tsp. sea salt or to taste 
1 bay leaf 

1. Preheat oven to 350’ F. Peel squash and cut into chunks. 
2. Heat oil in a skillet and sauté squash for 3 minutes. Cut turnips into chunks and add to squash, sautéing for 1 minute more. 
3. Sprinkle mixture with salt and add bay leaf. 
4. Remove from stove, place in lightly oiled baking dish, cover, and place in oven. Bake 30-40 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. 

Serves 4 
Per serving (222g): 85 Calories, 1.3g fat, 0.2g sat fat, 18.5g carbohydrate, 2g protein, 3.7g fiber, 82mg calcium, 1.1mg iron, 40mg vitamin C, 232mg sodium, 6622mcg beta carotene