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Tofu Cream Pie

Crumble Crust 
¼ cup corn oil 
4 tbs. water or maple syrup 
Pinch of sea salt 
1 ½ cups whole wheat flour 

1. Preheat oven to 375’F. In large bowl, beat together oil, water or syrup, add salt; add flour, mixing well with fork or wire whisk. 
2. Rub mixture between your hands to insure even blending, then turn into center of an oiled pie plate. 
3. Working from center outwards, press down with your fingers to form a crust, going up the sides and guiding the edges with your thumb place flat along the border of the plate. Pre-bake for 8 minutes. 

3 ½ (8 oz.) cakes of soft tofu 
4 tbs. tahini 
1 tbs. lemon juice 
Grated rind of 1 lemon 
½ cup maple syrup or barley malt 
2 tsp. Vanilla 

1. Crumble tofu into a blender. Add remaining ingredients and blend at low speed, scraping mixture down the sides of the blender with a spatula; blend until smooth and creamy. 
2. Pour tofu mixture into center of a pre-baked crust, allowing the filling to radiate outward. 
3. Bake at 350’F for 35-40 minutes. Allow to cool before slicing. 

Makes 8 servings 
281 calories, 12.3g fat, 1.6g sat fat, 39g carbohydrate, 6.2g protein, 3.6g fiber, 93 mg calcium, 2.2 mg iron