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Fruit Crisp

Recipe adapted from Feeding the Whole Family by Cynthia Lair
Makes 8 servings.

1 ½ cup rolled oats
½ cup whole wheat pastry flour
½ teaspoon sea salt
1/3 cup cold-pressed vegetable oil
1/3 cup maple syrup or concentrated fruit sweetener
1/3 cup chopped nuts

2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
5 cups sliced apples

preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix oats, flour and salt together in a bowl. Add oil and sweetener; mix well. Stir in nuts and set aside. In another bowl combine water, lemon juice, syrup, spices and vanilla. Slice fruit and place in a lightly oiled pie pan or an 8-by-8 inch baking dish. Pour the liquid mixture over the fruit ad toss gently. Spoon the oat mixture over the fruit and toss gently. Cover and bake approx. 1 hour. Uncover and bake 15 minutes more to crisp the topping.

Peach-blueberry Crisp
Substitute 1 pint blueberries and 2 cups sliced peaches. Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons tapioca over the fruit before adding the liquid mixture and tossing. Bake 50-60 minutes.

Per serving: 282 calories, 13.6g fat, 2g sat fat, 4g fiber, 4g protein.