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David’s Apple Pie

7 Apples, peeled and cored 
¼ cup Organic Whole Sugar 
¼ tsp Salt 
2 Rounded Tbs Unbleached Flour 
1 Recipe Plain Pastry Dough (See Below) 


1. Pare and slice apples. 
2. Sift dry ingredients together and mix with apples. 
3. Line 10” pie pan with pie dough, fill with apple mixture, and cover with top crust. 
4. Bake in a very hot oven (450° F) for 15 minutes; reduce temperature to moderate (350° F) 
and bake 45 minutes longer. Makes one 10” pie. 

Variation---Cinnamon, raisins, dried cranberries and/or walnuts can be added. Other fruit may be used. Blueberries, peaches, or rhubarb and strawberries. The last may require added organic whole sugar. Blueberries will require flour, kuzu, or arrowroot to absorb excess liquid. 

Pie Dough 

2 Cups of Whole Wheat Pastry Flour, or Unbleached, Unbromated White Flour 
½ tsp Salt 
½ Cup Unrefined, Cold-Pressed Corn Oil, (most butter-like taste) or Olive Oil 
½ - ¾ Cup Cold Water 


1. Mix dry ingredients. 
2. Add oil, mix well into flour with fork until oil is well distributed and flour is crumbly. 
3. Add water and mix with fork until this mixture forms into a ball. 
4. Separate into 2 balls and let stand a ½ hour before rolling out. 
When rolling, use flour to prevent dough from sticking to surface. Keep turning dough over, or it will start to stick, and re-flour surface at time of turning. Also, when rolling dough, roll from center out in all directions. Do not roll back and forth, or dough will get tough. 

Pie serves 8. Per serving: 340 calories, 15g fat, 2g sat fat, 7g fiber, 5g protein.