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Accreditation Oversight

Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC)

Under the leadership of Chancellor Michael Collins and Provost Terry Flotte, the Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC) has been formed to oversee the operations and resource needs for our 2012 CIHE/NEASC reaccreditation process. Serving on our ASC, are representatives from the T.H. Chan School of Medicine, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing and central leadership offices.

Self-Study Subcommittees

The centerpiece of the accreditation process is the institutional self-study overseen by subcommittee section leaders. Collectively representing the broad range of stakeholders and key constituencies for our educational programs, the subcommittee includes individuals from across the spectrum of our diverse educational community, representing faculty, students, staff, administration, trustees, residents, and alumni.

Overseen by the subcommittee leadership, members will comprehensively review, analyze, and assess our educational programs; planning and evaluation strategies; services and opportunities for students and faculty; governance structure; information and technological resources; financial solvency and integrity, with the goal of defining institutional strengths, as well as opportunities for improvement and further development.  The self-study will produce a Summary Report to be disseminated across the UMass Chan educational community and submitted to CIHE/NEASC as part of the regional accreditation review.

Subcommittee Member Rosters

S-1 Mission and Purpose
S-2 Planning and Evaluation
S-3 Organization and Governance
S-4 Academic Program
S-5 Faculty
S-6 Students
S-7 Library and Other Information Services
S-8 Physical and Technological Resources
S-9 Financial Resources
S-10 Public Disclosure
S-11 Integrity

Internal Links

UMW NEASC SharePoint
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