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Spotlight on Gene Therapy: finding a Cure

Awards for Mueller Lab at ASGCT 2017

sábado, mayo 13, 2017
By:  Florie Borel

We are thrilled that our lab received several distinctions during ASGCT 2017!


Three of the five abstracts we submitted were selected as Top Abstracts:

Proof-of-Concept for Non-Nuclease-Mediated Genome Editing to Treat Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, presented by Florie Borel

Artificial miRNAs Reduce Human Huntingtin Throughout the Striatum in a Transgenic Sheep Model of Huntington’s Disease, presented by Edith Pfister

Silencing SOD1 to Treat Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Preclinical Studies in Cynomolgus Monkeys, presented by Florie Borel

In addition, Florie Borel received a Travel Award to attend ASGCT.


Thank you to ASGCT for recognizing our work! We are looking forward to next year's conference in Chicago!