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Spotlight on Gene Therapy: finding a Cure

Upcoming events in August

lunes, agosto 01, 2016
By:  Florie Borel

Summer is always busy in the Mueller Lab for Gene Therapy. Check out our list of events for August, and if you are a local, come meet us!

  • First week of August: we'll be in Michigan for a preclinical study.


  • Sunday, August 14th: the Mary O'Donnell 5k race takes place, it's a fundraiser for our longtime friends from the Angel Fund for ALS Research.


  • Friday, August 19th: it's the last day in the lab for our summer intern Zak Foster who will be heading back to college in CT.


  • Saturday, August 27th: another fundraiser from the Angel Fund, this time it's their Annual Gala. For $125 you can not only support ALS research and the UMass ALS labs including our lab, but you will also enjoy a delicious dinner and wonderful waterfront views at The Venezia Boston. This is the Angel Fund event attended by the most researchers so it's a great chance to come meet all of us!

Angel fund Mueller Lab

Check the blog for further developments! September events will be announced at the beginning of the month.