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Baker Participates in UMass MetNet December Conference

Date Posted: martes, diciembre 26, 2023

Baker Sponsored December's Conference and Holidays Celebration

Baker was thrilled to participate in the UMass Metabolic Network (MetNet) December conference.  MetNet hosts conferences on a variety of metabolic related topics with speakers from in and out of the UMass system.  In addition to hearing flash talks form the MetNet team and participating in some heavily oxygenated trivia, Baker provided a technology presentation focused on tools for ensuring physiologically relevant oxygen conditions in cell culture workflows.  Baker’s hypoxia solutions create the optimal environment for cell research.   

UMass Metabolic Network

MetNet is a community of researchers who are enthusiastic about metabolism and metabolic regulation.  MetNet researchers are exploring all aspects of metabolism and its regulation ranging from basic biochemistry to organ function to whole body metabolic health.  MetNet strives to create an interactive community to share ideas, expertise, & experiences related to all aspects of metabolism research.  In addition to fostering collaborations, MetNet advances on-campus resources for metabolic research.  

Baker and MetNet Supporting Science Together

In addition to the technology presentation, representatives from many of the teams that are performing research at UMass Chan Medical School provided talks updating their peers on some of the exciting work being done within the MetNet community.  Baker is proud to sponsor the MetNet organization and help to support the ongoing collaborative environment featured in the symposia. 

Special thanks to the MetNet organizers David Guertin, PhD, Professor, Program in Molecular Medicine; Dohoon Kim, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology; and Jessica Spinelli, PhD, Assistant Professor, Program in Molecular Medicine.  Also guest speakers Tenzin Tseyang, Spinelli Lab; Benjamin Clayton, Guertin Lab; Mihir Doshi, Kim Lab; Daniel Richards, Walhout Lab; Rayna Magdesh, Watson Lab; and Levi Ali, Haynes Lab.