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Getting to Know Kivanc Birsoy, PhD

Date Posted: lunes, noviembre 20, 2023

Our November 30, 2023 guest speaker is Kivanc Birsoy, Associate Professor at The Rockefeller University.  Kivanc conducted his PhD studies at The Rockefeller University in the lab of Jeffrey Friedman. He then conducted his postdoctoral research with David Sabatini at the Whitehead Institute at MIT, before returning to The Rockefeller to start his own laboratory late in 2015.

Using unbiased genetic screens and omics approaches, the Birsoy lab has made numerous unexpected and important discoveries into how cancer cells reprogram their metabolic pathways, in particular as related to oxidative metabolism.

As tradition we asked Kivanc to answer the following scientific and nonscientific questions:

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Many people in the lab have projects to discover new gene functions. What I enjoy the most is the possibility of being introduced to finding a new metabolic gene.

What profession do you think you would you have if you weren’t a scientist? 

I would definitely be a physician. This was what my parents wanted me to do at the time, but I just did not want to do this profession in my home country.

What keeps you busy outside of work? 

I have a six year old son. All my weekends and after work hours are dedicated to him.

What do you wish you could do if you had more free time?

I would build a house.

What advice would you give graduate students or postdocs?

My advice is to take your time to find a good question.

What are you currently reading or binging on Netflix?

Invasion. I love Sci-fi movies.

What do you consider to be your best habit as a scientist and/or in life?

I do not procrastinate. I am not a last minute person.

What would you say is your worst habit?

I get excited prematurely.