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Getting to Know Haopeng Xiao, PhD

Date Posted: jueves, octubre 06, 2022
By: Dohoon Kim, PhD

Our second speaker of the 2022 MetNet season (October 13 at 3pm) will be Haopeng Xiao, PhD. Haopeng is our first “Fluxing Star” talk, dedicated to rising stars in metabolism research who are at early stages in their career.

Haopeng is a postdoc in the Edward Chouchani lab at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. He conducted his PhD studies at Georgia Institute of Technology where he developed and utilized novel mass spectrometry technologies for studying protein posttranslational modifications. He has continued his passion for technological innovation during his postdoc with a focus on using novel technologies to study metabolism and aging. He's developed a method to comprehensively map the mouse cysteine redox proteome in vivo during aging and established a network analysis approach that leverages genetic variations in outbred populations to define regulators of metabolic physiology.

We asked Haopeng to answer random science and non-science questions.

What things keep you busy outside of lab?

It used to be computer gaming and streaming on Twitch but I completely quit a month ago, so now really just cooking and cleaning.

What are you currently reading? Or binging on Netflix?

I am currently reading the user manual of the Orbitrap Eclipse mass spectrometer.

A memorable funny thing that happened to you in lab?

After months of animal experiments and before I could analyze the proteome changes, my mouse ran away and built a nest under the incubator.

One thing most people don’t know about you? Hidden talent?

I am pretty good at cleaning computer case fans, and I do it for free!

What would you say is your best habit?

Go to bed before 10:30 pm and get up early to go to the gym, although I only got into this habit at the beginning of this year.