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Getting to know Richard Possemato, PhD

Date Posted: lunes, agosto 22, 2022
By: Dohoon Kim, PhD

Richard Possemato

Our first speaker to kick off the 2022 MetNet season, September 15, is Richard Possemato, Associate Professor at New York University Langone Medical Center. Richard conducted his PhD studies on the process of cellular transformation with Dr. William Hahn at Harvard. He then conducted postdoctoral research at Whitehead Institute with David Sabatini, where he developed genetic and continuous flow cell culture tools for studying cancer metabolism.

Richard’s lab studies various aspects of cancer metabolism including mitochondrial iron sulfur cluster and serin metabolism.

We asked Rich to answer random science and non-science related questions. 

What do you wish you could do if you had more free time?

Any kind of social, low key sporting activity, like softball.

 What things keep you busy outside of lab?

Finding fun things to do in Brooklyn with my husband and my two kids, Andrew (10) and Justin (6).

What are you currently reading? Or binging on Netflix?

The Walking Dead, Ozark, Sex Education, Better Call Saul

 One thing most people don’t know about you? Hidden talent?

I have a talent for reloading webpages. Most frequently, these webpages have information about grant applications, manuscript submissions, or political polling data.

One piece of advice for graduate students or postdocs?

Be fearless. The technique that looks inaccessible is done by people every day who are as capable as you are. Just make sure you have good controls.

What is unique about the Possemato Lab environment?

There is unlimited coffee. Also, I find just about any reason to go out to lunch with the lab.