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Shared Equipment

Gel Imagers

Typhoon 9410 Multi Imager   location: AS8-2028   more info  
Multifluorescence, chemifluorescence, phosphorimaging, chemiluminescence. Handles gel sandwiches, agarose and polyacrylamide gels, membranes, microplates and microarrays. Large imaging area: 40 x 46 cm. 4 Lasers.
Easy to use flat bed style.     reserve use

Syngene G:Box Chemi XL  location: AS8-1028   more info 
The G:BOX Chemi XL1.4 is a system for very high sensitivity for chemiluminescence. A motor driven sample stage ensures your gel/blot/dish gets as close as possible to the camera. If required a blot of 24 x 18 cm may be imaged. Transilluminator and white light conversion screen included.       reserve use

Kodak Gel Logic 200 Imaging System   location: AS8-2029   more info
Images samples up to 25x33cm. White light epi-illumination. UV and white light transilluminator for fluorescent samples/ ethidium bromide gels.   reserve use

Plate Readers

Synergy H4 Micro Plate Reader   location: AS8-2028  more info
Multimode plate reader with dual injectors for time-critical reagent addition. Handles plates up to 1536 wells. Modes include luminescence, UV-visible absorbance, fluorescence intensity, time resolved fluorescence, fluorescence polarization, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), and alphascreen. Dual monochrometers for excitation and emission provide high spectral resolution. Filter mode for high optical throughput
when required.     reserve use

Molecular Devices Spectra Max Plus 384 Microplate Reader (A)   location: AS8-2009A (Goguen Lab Alcove)   more info
UV-visible absorbance reader for plates with up to 384-well plates and individual cuvettes. Tunable monochromator allows for reading as many as 6 wavelengths/sample in the range of 190 nm - 1000 nm in both end-point and kinetic assays.    reserve use

Molecular Devices SpectraMax Plus 384 Microplate Reader (B)   location: AS8-1028    more info
UV-visible absorbance reader for plates with up to 384-well plates and individual cuvettes. Tunable monochromator allows for reading as many as 6 wavelengths/sample in the range of 190 nm - 1000 nm in both end-point and kinetic assays.   reserve use

Molecular Devices SpectraMax Gemini XS Plate Reader   location: In Storage   more info
Tunable monchromators for excitation and emission in the range of 250-850 nm. Handles plates with up to 384 wells. Detects signal from either fluorescence or luminescence based assays.   

Bio-Tek ELx 405 Select Automatic Plate Washer   location: AS8-1028   more info
Priming, washing, dispensing and aspiration of 96 well microplates. User Programmable, fully automated. Can be used to wash all microplate-based assays, including ELISA, fluorescence, chemiluminescence, RIA, DNA probes, and cellular assays. Attached optional plate stack loader will allow unattended washing of up to 30 plates.   reserve use



Please note: When you reserve an ultracentrifuge, you must also reserve the rotor that you intend to use. All available rotors are listed on our BookedScheduler equipment reservation web page. Please also remember to fill in the log book, found on each machine. This is very important for tracking rotor usage.

Beckman Coulter Optima L 100 XP (ID #1)   location: S5-126
Class S-uses all rotors.10 acceleration profiles, 11 deceleration profiles. 100,000 RPM max. Temp control 0-40 C.    reserve use

Beckman L90K (ID #1) location: AS8-West LER
Class S: Uses all Beckman rotors except type 35 and 42.1 rotors with serial #'s 1,299 or lower. 2 acceleration profiles, 3 deceleration profiles. 90,000 RPM max. Temp control 0-40 C. Up to 100 hours run time, plus "hold". Instrument memory can store 9 programs. reserve use

Beckman L90K (ID #2)   location: AS8-West LER
Class S: Uses all Beckman rotors except type 35 and 42.1 rotors with serial #'s 1,299 or lower. 2 acceleration profiles, 3 deceleration profiles. 90,000 RPM max. Temp control 0-40 C. Up to 100 hours run time, plus "hold". Instrument memory can store 9 programs.   reserve use

Beckman L90K (ID #3) location: AS8-West LER
Class S: Uses all Beckman rotors except type 35 and 42.1 rotors with serial #'s 1,299 or lower. 2 acceleration profiles, 3 deceleration profiles. 90,000 RPM max. Temp control 0-40 C. Up to 100 hours run time, plus "hold". Instrument memory can store 9 programs.   reserve use

Beckman L90K (ID #4) location: AS8-West LER
Class S: Uses all Beckman rotors except type 35 and 42.1 rotors with serial #'s 1,299 or lower. 2 acceleration profiles, 3 deceleration profiles. 90,000 RPM max. Temp control 0-40 C. Up to 100 hours run time, plus "hold". Instrument memory can store 9 programs.   reserve use

Beckman Optima TLX Tabletop Ultracentrafuge (ID #7)   location: AS8-2010A (McCormick lab)  12,000 RPM max. 10 acceleration and deceleration profiles. temp control 2-40 C. Can use any Beckman Coulter TL series rotors.   reserve use

Beckman Avanti J-26 XP  (3 units at this location)  location: AS8-East LER    more info
For tubes or microplates. Designed to process up to 6 liters in less than 10 minutes. Can take up to 24 plates per run. Features 2 acceleration and 3 deceleration rates, a delay start function and run times up to 99 hours and 59 minutes. Maximum Speed: 26,000 rpm Maximum RCF: 82,000 g    Please reserve this instrument with the sign up sheet attached to its cover.

Quantitative PCR machines

StepOne Plus Real Time PCR   location: AS8-1003   more info
Quantitative in 0.1 ml tubes strips or plates up to 96 wells. In fast cycle mode runs in 40 minutes, normal cycles mode runs in 2 hours. Simultaneous 4 color illumination and detection. Calibrated for FAM, SYBR Green I, VIC, JOE, NED, TAMRA, ROX dyes.    reserve use

ViiA 7 QPCR from Applied Bioscience   location: AS8-2013A   more info
Equipped with three interchangeable blocks: 96 well fast-cycle block, 384 well standard block, and block for TaqMan Array Micro Fluidic Cards (1 µl sample volume). 6 simultaneous excitation (450-670 nm) and 6 emission (500-720 nm) wavelengths.    reserve use

Cell sorting and flow cytometery

MACSQuant Analyzer Flow Cytometer   location: AS8-1007A (Morrison/Gerstein Lab)   more info
3 Excitation lasers, 8 Fluorescence channels, absolute cell counting, multi parameter flow analysis, wide choice of fluorochromes available.   reserve use

AutoMACS Pro Cell Separator   location: AS8-2025   more info
The autoMACS separator is a benchtop automated magnetic cell sorter for the isolation of virtually any cell type from any species. The autoMACS Pro Separator has been specifically designed for automated handling of multiple samples.    reserve use

Elispot and plate-based cell analysis

CTL Immunospot S5 Analyzer (Elispot Reader with additional functions)   Location: AS8-1028  more info
Supports both visible light assays (e.g. ELISPOT, colony counting) and fluorescence-based FluoroSpot assays, as well as cell viability assays, apotosis assays, and cytotoxicity assays. Fully automated support for the following plate formats: White or transparent 96 well plates with membrane bottoms, transpararent 48 and 96 well plates with clear plastic bottoms, and standard hemocytometers.  reserve use

Liquid Chromatograpy and Protein purification

AKTA Explorer 10 S FPLC with Fractional Collector 950 location: AS8-2028   more info
This FPCL system offersfast and reliable solutions for developing and optimizing any bio-molecular purification scheme, using all chromatographic techniques at flow rates and pressures compatible with modern separation media. The AKTAexplorer 10 system, with a flow rate range of 0.001-10 ml/min in isocratic mode and 0.05-10 ml/min in gradient mode at pressures 0-25 MPa, ensure that the benefits of speed and flexibility of AKTA systems are available to those routinely using columns generating higher back pressures.    reserve use

Computer workstations

HP Z-800 Windows 7-64bit workstation   location: AS8-2008A (Sassetti lab)   more info
This is a big, fast computer for the processing of images and data. Access data created on instrument workstations and stored on the Microbiology "R" drive. This is for all Microbiology department use but should be reserved for extended use.   reserve use