
Safe Senders list
Email addresses in the Safe Senders List are never treated as junk email, regardless of the content of the message. You can add your Contacts and other correspondents to this list. Additionally, all names and addresses in the global address list (GAL) are automatically considered safe.

Safe Recipients list
If you belong to a mailing list or a distribution list, you can add the list sender to the Safe Recipients List. Messages sent to these email addresses are never treated as junk, regardless of the content of the message.

Blocked Senders list
You can easily block messages from specific senders by adding their email addresses or domain names to the Blocked Senders List. When you add a name or email address to this list, Outlook moves any incoming message from that source to the Junk Email folder. Messages from people or domain names that appear in this list are always classified as junk, regardless of the content of the message.