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Anatomage Meehan visit.jpg

Anatomage is a state-of-the-art interactive virtual dissection tool that allows learners to navigate through life-size 3D images of full body male and female anatomy. The Table’s digital library contains over 200 pre-loaded anatomic pathology cases but any medical imaging data can be downloaded and configured as high quality interactive 3D renderings that can be added to the Table’s Radiology Teaching files.

Using touch pad functionality, images can be annotated, rotated 360 degrees, cut in any plane, and layered to demonstrate skin, muscle and underlying structures. The window level control allows examination of soft tissue or hard tissue through different viewing modalities.

Accompanying high performance, volume rendering software allows the development of customized grafts, implants, and medical devices with 3D printing capability. Digital models can be overlaid directly onto patient scans and viewed on the Table on a life-size scale.

The Anatomage Table is ideal for:

Patient care: patient assessment, surgical planning and post-surgical assessment, patient consultation, forensic and virtual autopsies

Research: surgical outcomes, bench to bedside collaboration

Education: gross and regional anatomic education, residency training, clinical skills training, clinical staff and surgical team collaboration




