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About us

Established in 2021, the Investigator Career Advancement Program (iCAP) aims to develop and retain early-career, research-focused faculty. We want to ensure all faculty persist and succeed in the life sciences. All tenure-track, early-career research faculty at UMass Chan will be invited to participate in iCAP upon accepting their offer to join the faculty.

iCAP is efficient, cohort-based, and staged to best engage junior research faculty. iCAP empowers junior faculty with the tools they need for a successful career in academic research by integrating:

  • a faculty development curriculum,
  • robust mentoring networks,
  • community-building activities, and
  • individualized support from a dedicated Sr. Scientific Writer.

iCAP is part of a broader commitment at UMass Chan Medical School to transform the workplace culture to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the life sciences, from bench to community, as illustrated through the university-wide strategic planning effort that culminated in IMPACT 2025. Our strategic framework provides a model for curricular and structural innovations that enhance faculty development and retention, combining scientific excellence with a transformative commitment to DEI.



Our Goals:

To empower new tenure-track faculty to:

icon of 3 circles overlapping on another and a heart in the middle

Champion inclusive excellence
as a fundamental value by developing awareness, listening actively, and employing concrete strategies to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging.

circular blue icon with three figures, representing a team of people

Lead and manage a research group
by recruiting a top-notch team with diverse strengths, effectively managing time and expectations, and fostering trainee development. 

circular blue icon displaying a conversation bubble Communicate science effectively by refining writing and presentation processes and leveraging individualized coaching and editing support from a dedicated scientific writer.
circular blue icon with the outlines of three figures (shoulders up) connected by curved, white lines

Navigate collaboration and team science
by establishing mutual expectations, managing group dynamics, and valuing the personal and professional identities and contributions of each team member. 

circular blue icon with a white, rectangular bill shape, featuring an inner white circle with a blue dollar sign

Manage grant applications and budgets
by prioritizing relevant funding opportunities, generating and submitting applications, navigating peer review processes, and learning best practices for financial stewardship.

circular blue icon with a white, side-view silhouette of a head and neck with a blue brain shape inside

Hone a unique scientific identity
by (re)defining success, practicing individual planning, engaging with broader scientific and non-scientific ecosystems, and cultivating professional relationships. 

Learn more about open faculty positions