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HYPE on Campus: A Model Improving Academic Persistence and Student Success

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HYPE on Campus (HOC) is a pioneering program model that provides intensive support to address the specific needs of college students with mental health conditions. Early findings from our research have shown that HOC students who completed the 12-week executive functioning skills training curriculum (FSST):

  • Completed more credits and classes
  • Reported fewer mental health symptoms
  • Continued using the executive functioning skills and strategies for student success beyond receipt of services

Why HOC?

Rising Need: With mental health conditions among college students on the rise, addressing barriers to education and academic persistence is crucial (Center for Collegiate Mental Health, 2023). Up to 86% of students with mental health conditions experience significant academic disruptions (Collins & Mowbray, 2005).

Proven Impact: Common barriers to success include concentration, time management, stamina, organization, and task prioritization (Gill et al., 2002). HOC provides executive functioning skills training offering a proven solution to these challenges.

Holistic Approach: We understand that academic success is just one part of a student’s experience. HOC addresses academic challenges, emotional well-being, social/campus engagement, and career aspirations alike.

Collaborative Partnerships: HOC offers embedded support on campus, that compliments and enhances the use of existing services. A 2020 survey found that 70% of students with mental health conditions were not registered for accommodations due to uncertainty about eligibility (Mental Health America, 2021). HOC bridges the gap between students and campus services.

What HOC Offers: The 5 Pillars of HYPE

1. Intentional Services

Individualized 1:1 support on a weekly basis for at least the first semester, focused on goal plans, skill development, resource coordination, and academic/career planning. In alignment with HYPE values, services are mobile and time unlimited to meet students where they’re at.

2. Goal Development & Refinement

We understand that self-discovery is a natural part of the college journey. Our approach emphasizes continual goal development and refinement to align with evolving career aspirations. HOC providers assist students in crafting specific goal plans that reflect their interests and values. These goals serve as guides for every aspect of services and are treated as a living breathing document.

3. Skill Development

HOC providers are trained to deliver Focused Skill and Strategy Training (FSST), a proven, manualized 12-session Executive Functioning curriculum that systematically develops skills and strategies to overcome cognitive challenges commonly faced by students with mental health conditions, such as memory, organization, task completion, concentration, learning, and problem-solving.

Students in college have the equivalent of several bosses, each with their own full set of expectations students are challenged to meet. These students are often also working while in school. The skills taught are key to a student’s ability to effectively and actively engage and manage their learning.

4. Resource Development

HOC providers identify resource needs and facilitate connection between students and services, both on- and off-campus that affect their success.  Students with mental health conditions are more likely than other students to “fall through the cracks”, potentially leading to isolation, hopelessness, and academic crises.

HOC helps students and campuses by fostering increased collaboration between key offices: Services for Students with Disabilities, Tutoring Services, University Counseling Center, the College of Community and Public Affairs, and more. This increased collaboration connects students to necessary services and supports, while also enhancing the University's capacity to serve current and incoming students, ensuring a safety net for students with mental health conditions.

5. Accommodations & Assistive Technology Education and Advocacy

Students with mental health conditions often do not realize that Disability/ Accessibility Services, Academic Accommodations, or Assistive Technology (AAT) are available to them. HOC providers collaborate with students and campus services to ensure the optimal utilization of accommodations and assistive technology granted by the college to ensure equal access to quality education and to maximize student access.

Want to bring HYPE on Campus to your school:

outline of 3 people representing teamThe HYPE team provides comprehensive training to establish HOC Providers on campus, covering everything from foundational concepts to program embedding institution-wide. Training options include in-person, live online, and asynchronous interactive sessions.

Our training extends beyond the basics, offering unique guidance, organizational readiness, and implementation support through technical assistance and fidelity reviews. Our team works collaboratively with campus leadership and direct service staff to create and implement a plan specific to your school.

Want to increase the persistence of students with mental health conditions at your institution? Interested in helping your students thrive? Contact us for a free consultation!