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Inviting relatives and friends

Family and friends may plan to visit during your stay at UMass Chan. While Immigration Services cannot assist in bringing these individuals (except for spouse and children under 21), we have provided guidelines on what they will need to obtain their B-2 visa stamp to enter the United States for a visit. Visitors from certain countries may be eligible for WT (Visa Waiver Program - Tourist) status for stays of up to 90 days.  Prospective WT visitors must be registered in the ESTA system prior to traveling to the United States.

We recommend that all visitors have the items below, however, those requiring B-2 status should obtain the items below and make an appointment for a B-2 visa stamp at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate in their country.

Invitation Letter

Written by you (Immigration Services does NOT provide such a letter) and addressed to the U.S. Consulate in the city where the visa application will be made (ie.  U.S. Consular Officer, Mumbai, India). The letter should include the following;

  • Statement of invitation (ie.  I am writing to invite my <relationship to you (friend, cousin, mother, etc.)> <name of invitee & birthdate, if known> to visit me in Worcester, Massachusetts.>
  • Statement about what you are doing in the U.S.:  (ie. I am currently a <job title> in the Department of <department name> at University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School.  I am currently holding <visa status> and my annual salary is <annual salary>).
  • Statement about proposed visit:  (ie. <name of invitee will be visiting me from <dates of proposed visit>.  During the visit <name of invitee> will be staying at my apartment in Worcester, MA>.
  • Request for tourist visa:  (ie.  <name of invitee> is applying for a B-2 tourist visa for this visit and any assistance you can give them is greatly appreciated).

Proof of UMass Chan Affiliation

  • Employment verification  - Can be obtained through the Work Number
  • If you are not receiving funding from UMass Chan, please have your Department Administrator or PI write a letter to verify your affiliation and also provide information about your funding source (funding award letter, bank statement, etc.)
  • Confirmation of student status - this can be obtained from the Registrar's Office

Financial Information

The Consular Officer may request information on how your visitor will support themselves for the visit. If you are supporting them, you should include this in the invitation letter.  If you are not, they should be prepared to show this proof (ie. bank statement, employment verification letter from their employee, etc.).