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Bruzios KE, Shaffer PM, Byrne T, Pinals DA, Trojano M, Pressman K, Smelson D. Examining Perceived Coercion in Drug Treatment Courts. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 2023 Jan;67(1):53-65.

Byhoff E, Guardado R, Zack RM, Nokes K, Tripodis Y. A Community Partnership to Reduce Food Insecurity and Improve Patient-Reported Depression. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery. 2023 Jan 18;4(2):CAT-22.

Delude C, Abi‐Elias IH, Quinn CC, Adams AS, Magaziner JS, Ito K, Jain P, Gurwitz JH, Mazor KM. Stakeholders' views on priorities essential for establishing a supportive environment for clinical trials in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2022 Apr. 

Epstein MM, Sundaresan D, Fair M, Fouayzi H, Warner ET, Garber LD, Gurwitz JH, Field TS. Trends in breast and prostate cancer screening and diagnostic procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic in central Massachusetts. Cancer Causes & Control. 2022 Aug 6:1-1.

Epstein MM, Dutcher SK, Maro JC, Saphirak C, DeLuccia S, Ramanathan M, Dhawale T, Harchandani S, Delude C, Hou L, Gertz A. Validation of an electronic algorithm for Hodgkin and non‐Hodgkin lymphoma in ICD‐10‐CM. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2021 Jul.

Field TS, Fouayzi H, Crawford S, Kapoor A, Saphirak C, Handler SM, Fisher K, Johnson F, Spenard A, Zhang N, Gurwitz JH. The association of nursing home characteristics and quality with adverse events after a hospitalization. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2021 Mar.

Fisher KA, Kennedy K, Bloomstone S, Fukunaga MI, Bell SK, Mazor KM. Can sharing clinic notes improve communication and promote self-management? A qualitative study of patients with COPD. Patient Education and Counseling. 2022 Mar.

Fisher KA, Nguyen N, Crawford S, Fouayzi H, Singh S, Mazor KM. Preferences for COVID-19 vaccination information and location: associations with vaccine hesitancy, race and ethnicity. Vaccine. 2021 Sep.

Fisher KA, Bloomstone SJ, Walder J, Crawford S, Fouayzi H, Mazor KM. Attitudes toward a potential SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: a survey of US adults. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2020 Dec. 

Gurwitz JH, Kapoor A, Garber L, Mazor KM, Wagner J, Cutrona SL, Singh S, Kanaan AO, Donovan JL, Crawford S, Anzuoni K. Effect of a multifaceted clinical pharmacist intervention on medication safety after hospitalization in persons prescribed high-risk medications: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2021 May.

Ito Fukunaga M, Wiener RS, Slatore CG. The 2021 US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation on lung cancer screening: the more things stay the same ... JAMA Oncology. 2021 May.

Kapoor A, Patel J, Chen Z, Crawford S, McManus D, Gurwitz J, Shireman TI, Zhang N. Geriatric conditions do not predict stroke or bleeding in long-term care residents with atrial fibrillation. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2022 Apr. 

Kapoor A, Foley G, Zhang N, Zhou Y, Crawford S, McManus D, Gurwitz J. Geriatric conditions predict discontinuation of anticoagulation in long‐term care residents with atrial fibrillation. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2020 Apr.

Kapoor A, Amroze A, Vakil F, Crawford S, Der J, Mathew J, Alper E, Yogaratnam D, Javed S, Elhag R, Lin A. SUPPORT-AF II: supporting use of anticoagulants through provider profiling of oral anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrillation: a cluster-randomized study of electronic profiling and messaging combined with academic detailing for providers making decisions about anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2020 Feb.

Kim JG, Gitkind MJ, Coleman NE, Weber PF. Getting Started: General Considerations for Health Systems Science Implementation. In Maben-Feaster R, Hammoud MM, Borkan J, DeWaters A, Gonzalo JD, Staff SR (eds).  Health Systems Science Education: Development and Implementation;  Elsevier: 2023. 1-18.   

Mazor KM, King AM, Hoppe RB, D’Addario A, Musselman TG, Tallia AF, Gallagher TH. Using crowdsourced analog patients to provide feedback on physician communication skills. Patient Education and Counseling. 2021 Mar.

Singh S, Cocoros NM, Haynes K, Nair VP, Harkins TP, Rochon PA, Platt R, Dashevsky I, Reynolds J, Mazor KM, Bloomstone S. Antidopaminergic‐Antiparkinsonian medication prescribing cascade in persons with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2021 May.

Singh S, Cocoros NM, Haynes K, Nair VP, Harkins TP, Rochon PA, Platt R, Dashevsky I, Reynolds J, Mazor KM, Bloomstone S. Identifying prescribing cascades in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias: the calcium channel blocker‐diuretic prescribing cascade. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2021 Mar.

Tisminetzky M, Delude C, Herbert T, Carr C, Goldberg RJ, Gurwitz JH. Age, multiple chronic conditions, and COVID-19: a literature review. The Journals of Gastroenterology: Series A. 2022 Apr.

Tisminetzky M, Mehawej J, Miozzo R, Gurwitz JH, Gore JM, Lessard D, Abu HO, Bamgbade BA, Yarzebski J, Granillo E, Goldberg RJ. Temporal trends and patient characteristics associated with 30-day hospital readmission rates after a first acute myocardial infarction. American Journal of Medicine. 2021 Apr.

Zhang N, Patel J, Chen Z, Zhou Y, Crawford S, McManus DD, Gurwitz J, Shireman TI, Kapoor A. Geriatric conditions are associated with decreased anticoagulation use in long‐term care residents with atrial fibrillation. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021 Aug.