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About Us

Our faculty includes nationally recognized investigators who conduct cutting edge research in core domains of Health Systems Science, including: 

  • Quality improvement
  • Patient safety
  • Structures and processes of care
  • Informatics
  • Population and community health value-based care and evidence-based practice
  • Professionalism and ethics
  • Interprofessional care
  • Leadership and systems thinking

Many of our investigators are health care providers, who see first-hand how systems affect providers, patients, and their interactions. Their clinical work inspires and informs their research, and their research inspires and informs their care. They partner with our PhD investigators, sharing their clinical expertise, and gaining content, methodological and analytic expertise through collaboration. Our faculty contributes to the education and training of UMass Chan Medical School students, residents, fellows and faculty members in HSS.

The Program in Digital Medicine is embedded within HSS, and we are also closely affiliated with UMass Memorial Health (UMMH), the Center for Digital Health Solutions, and the Department of Medicine Clinical Research Core.
