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The Haran Group covers a broad range of topics from care of Emergency Department patients to microbiome-based investigations into the health of older adults. 

Our current research focuses on three main areas:

  • Understanding the “Microbiome-gut-brain axis” in Alzheimer’s disease and its role in cognitive decline
  • Investigating the gut microbiome's composition as we age and how dysbiosis can lead to risk of drug resistant organism and Clostridioides difficile colonization and infection among nursing home residents 
  • Care of Emergency Department patients presenting after a traumatic event and the risk of developing post-traumatic neuropsychiatric disorders. This includes novel therapies to prevent disease and investigations into how dysbiosis of the gut microbiome can increase the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Our current COVID-19 research focuses on three main areas:

  • The microbiome’s role in acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease severity including trials using novel microbiome-based treatments to improve outcomes
  • COVID-19 vaccine efficacy among healthcare workers
  • The oral and gut microbiome's role in COVID-19 outcomes focusing on the risk of developing long-COVID