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TeYueh Lin joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow

Date Posted: lunes, enero 10, 2022

teyueh-lin-post-doctoral fellow.jpgTeYueh Lin (Derek) joined the lab in January 2022 as a postdoctoral fellow.  He recently earned his PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry at the University of Minnesota, where he had been working in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition since 2016.  He’s an experienced scientific writer and researcher who is already is an author on eight publications.  He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from National Taiwan University in Taipei, where he worked as an undergraduate and graduate researcher in the Department of Biochemical Science and Technology. 

Prior to arriving at University of Minnesota, he spent a couple of years as an Assistant Researcher at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, followed by the same role at Lihpao Life Science Corp. in New Taipei City.

He will be investigating mechanisms of nutrient sensing and metabolic signaling in fat cells (adipocytes).