N671H Psychotherapeutic Interventions I: Individual Therapy

This course is designed to explore the major psychotherapeutic approaches to individual therapy and focuses on the legal and ethical issues and the therapeutic role of the advance practice psychiatric ¿mental health nurse in providing care to individuals with psychiatric disorders across the lifespan.  Strategies for intervention will include development of therapeutic relationships, crisis intervention, motivational interviewing, recovery-oriented philosophies, trauma-informed care, SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) CBT (cognitive- behavioral therapy), brief psychotherapy and use of complimentary modalities for individuals. Emphasis will be placed on health promotion, illness prevention, crisis care and follow-up strategies among diverse populations for persons receiving advanced psychiatric and mental health nursing care.

1 credit course

This course is offered remote/zoom Mondays 7:00 to 9:00 pm.