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Fall Courses for Credit

REGISTRATION For Fall 2024 is now closed and will reopen in May 2025

All Fall classes start in September

 Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing

“All Continuing Education course fees must be paid within 72 hours. Applications will not be considered until all materials have been received and payment is submitted. If payment is not submitted within 72 hours applications will be withdrawn and applicants will need to re-apply.”

N604H Translating & Integrating Scholarship into Practice

This is a core course that prepares students to critically examine and seek evidence for practice, ethically translate current evidence and identify gaps in clinical knowledge. This course provides the student with a foundation in nursing research, theory, research ethics, and evidence-based practice approaches.

3 credit course

This course is offered Hybrid Wednesday evenings 5 to 7:00 pm.

N610H Registered Nurse (RN) First Assistant Course

This course is designed to provide the student with foundational knowledge of the pre, intra, and post-operative process.  Emphasis will be placed on the development of advanced knowledge involving principles of anatomy and physiology as well as the safe care of the patient in the peri-operative area.  A focus on the role of the registered nurse first assist will provide the basis for maximizing patient outcomes. This course is based on the guidelines set forth by the Association of Peri-operative Registered Nurses.

3 credit course

3 mandatory Saturday in person classes 9:00 to 4:00 pm with weekly online modules

Please send resume and letter of intent to Maureen Wassef

N613H Advanced Pathophysiology

The focus of this course is on the interrelation of human systems and the effect that illness in one body system has on the functions of the whole person.  Concepts related to clinical physiology and research literature related to pathophysiology of various body systems are examined.  Pertinent literature related to nursing interventions associated with improved physiological status is analyzed.

3 credit course

This course is offered asynchronous online. 

This course requires a passing grade in a basic pathophysiology course prior to taking this course with approval by Jean Boucher.

N670AH Psych Mental Health Nursing 1: Assessment and Diagnosis across the Lifespan

This course serves as an introduction to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric illness across the lifespan. The etiology, course, and management of common psychiatric symptoms frequently encountered in primary and mental health care settings will be addressed.   The student will access the most current clinical sources on assessment and diagnosis for psychiatric disorders using DSM-V diagnostic criteria, ICD coding, standardized guidelines and other mental health assessment tools.  Confounding and supportive influences on mental health and illness will be analyzed including the availability of biopsychosocial resources and economic, legal/ethical, and policy related variables. Emphasis is placed on the assessment of common psychiatric conditions.

3 credit course

This course is offered remote/zoom Friday evenings 6 to 8 pm

This course requires special approval by Mechelle Plasse

N671H Psychotherapeutic Interventions I: Individual Therapy

This course is designed to explore the major psychotherapeutic approaches to individual therapy and focuses on the legal and ethical issues and the therapeutic role of the advance practice psychiatric ¿mental health nurse in providing care to individuals with psychiatric disorders across the lifespan.  Strategies for intervention will include development of therapeutic relationships, crisis intervention, motivational interviewing, recovery-oriented philosophies, trauma-informed care, SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) CBT (cognitive- behavioral therapy), brief psychotherapy and use of complimentary modalities for individuals. Emphasis will be placed on health promotion, illness prevention, crisis care and follow-up strategies among diverse populations for persons receiving advanced psychiatric and mental health nursing care.

1 credit course

This course is offered remote/zoom Mondays 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

N704H Principles of Epidemiology

This course will provide students with concrete skills to understand and critique the medical literature. Students will learn the various types of epidemiologic study designs including their potential strengths and weaknesses. Using these skills, students will critique articles from the medical literature. Students will also work in groups to design a hypothetical epidemiology study to address a healthcare quality issue. 

3 credit course

Meets online remote/zoom 11 am to 1 pm three Saturdays.  Sept. 7, Oct. 26 and Dec. 7.

The course requires special approval by Jean.Boucher@umassmed.edu