No TRAC meeting will be held in the absence of at least three TRAC members.
If scheduling conflicts prevent the timely convening of a TRAC meeting, the meeting may proceed with one member absent. If the thesis advisor will not attend the meeting, then the thesis advisor must prepare a written summary of the student’s progress since the last meeting and the aims for the subsequent period. The summary must be distributed to the other TRAC members in advance of the TRAC meeting. If another member of the TRAC is absent, the student must meet individually with the member after the meeting to review progress.
The presence of the TRAC Chair is required. If the Chair is unable to attend, another TRAC member must serve as Chair for the meeting, fulfilling all obligations and responsibilities of the Chair, or the meeting will be rescheduled.
During each meeting, the TRAC will meet separately with the advisor in the absence of the student and will also meet separately with the student in the absence of the advisor.