Possible Outcomes

After the discussion has concluded and the TRAC has met separately with the student and advisor, the TRAC will determine the outcome of the meeting. The TRAC Chair will communicate the outcome to the student.

Pass: Continue with research, meet again in one year.

Pass: Continue with research, meet again in a time frame less than one year (time must be specified)

Pass: with the recommendation to Change program to “Complete with MS in Biomedical Science”

Marginal Pass: continue with research, meet again in a specified time of less than 6 months

Marginal Pass: with the recommendation to Change Program to “Complete with MS in Biomedical Science”

Fail: Review by Academic Standards Committee, which will make a recommendation to the GSBS Dean for a remediation plan that the Committee specifies or for withdrawal of the student from the  Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.