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Research in Industry

Conduct scientific research or lead a research program in an industrial laboratory

Example job titles

Chief scientific officer (CSO)* | Chief technical officer (CTO)* | Consulting scientist/engineer* | Data analyst/scientist* | Discovery researcher | Division/research program director/manager* | Preclinical researcher | Postdoctoral fellow/associate* | Quality control specialist  | Scientist* | Senior research associate | Senior/process scientist

*These job titles appear in other career pathways

Additional keywords to find more information or job postings

Assay development | Biotechnology | Contract research organization | Discovery/preclinical research | Drug Development | Externalized research & development | Manufacturing | Medical Devices | Pharmaceutical | Process development | Quality control, quality assurance (QA/QC) | Biotech Startup

Get up-to-speed & stay current

Look for the corresponding myIDP category: Research in Industry

  • Build your knowledge of the industry sector and industry lingo by reading books and articles, and attending workshops and seminars featuring industry scientists (e.g. cBCD events, MassTERi eClub).
  • Follow trade magazines and e-newsletters (e.g. Endpoints NewsMassBio news page, Boston Business Journal Biotech News, BioSpace news subscriptions and career resources, BioWorld, Biotechnology Industry Organization, etc.) to get a better sense of current industry news and trends.
  • Start to learn industry terminology and acronyms
  • Read within your scientific field and broadly. Make connections between your research and other areas.
  • Get additional advice on how you can prepare for this career from scientists who have recently transitioned into a new role, as well as from those who have made hiring decisions.

Build your network

  • Attend scientific conferences. Large conferences tend to attract industry scientists; seek out their talks and posters and/or attend industry networking/social events and vendor fairs at the meeting. 
  • Attend events with local industry scientists, such as those hosted by organizations like Biotech TuesdayMassBioMASS AWISWEST, M2D2, etc. 
    • Apply for Stay in MA funding to attend events of technology and business organizations in the region to further your professional development
  • Ask your research advisor and colleagues if they can connect you with someone they know in industry.
  • Attend a company site visit organized by the Industry Exploration (IndEx) program at UMass Chan.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile and use it strategically to expand your network.

Get training & experience

  • Demonstrate success in your research; e.g. apply for a predoctoral or postdoctoral fellowship, attend and present your work at national conferences, etc.
  • Consider how you can build a record of working on projects in collaborative, cross-functional teams within your current research experience.
  • Take a leadership role by supervising others in the lab. Mentor a student in your research group, applying best practices in leadership and management (see HHMI leadership resources and the leadership skills section of our library collection).
  • Hone your presentation skills. Industry leaders value scientists who can quickly learn about a new research area, identify next strategic steps in that field, and pitch this in a brief oral presentation.

Deeper training opportunities & experiences

  • Use your network to find out about local shadowing or internship opportunities.
  • Search for in-depth training opportunities offered through research institutes and professional societies, such as the Keck Graduate Institute Summer Intensive Program in bioscience management for advanced graduate students & postdocs.

Gearing up for a career transition?

Have a suggestion? Know of a great local opportunity? Let us know.