- Josef Saltz, a doctoral student at University of Massachusetts Boston has joined our lab. Welcome!
- Xushen Xiong, PhD joined our lab as a post-doctoral fellow in a joint capacity with Manolis Kellis' lab at MIT. Xushen earned his PhD in Epitranscriptomics at Peking University in Beijing, China.
- Xin Wang, PhD joined our lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Xin earned his PhD in Genomics from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China.
- Esteban was awarded two fellowships: Pew Latin American Fellowship with Pew Charitable Trusts and Damon Runyon Fellowship with Damon Runyon Cancer Research. Congratulations Esteban!
- Jiazhi Li, PhD joined our lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Jiazhi earned her PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China.
- Junho completed his post-doctoral fellowship with us and moved back to South Korea. He is Assistant Profesor of RNA Genomics in the Department of Life Science at Hanyang University.