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Research and Quality Improvement Projects

Fellows are expected to develop their own research projects with faculty guidance. These can be developed within the Division of Gastroenterology, but fellows are also encouraged and supported to explore additional mentorship outside the division. Learn more.

Dr. Shahrat at ACG

Clinical Care

Belkin D, Colletta A, Hanscom M, Rau P, Rau S, and Marya NB. Management of iatrogenic duodenal perforation with a helical tack system with pancreatic cancer complicated by gastric outlet obstruction. VideoGIE (in press).

Zhang, Z., Ganguly, E., Patel, K…Yang, Michelle. Sporadic hyperplastic polyps associated with above average risk of developing metachronous colorectal cancer.  American Journal of Cancer Research.  Accepted for publication Jan. 2023.

Rau S, Hanscom M, Abdelfattah A, Rau R, Rau P, Marya NB. Use of helical tack system for management of a high-risk fibrotic peptic ulcerVideoGIE. 2022;8(1):42-45.

Cooper K, Colletta A, Rau P, Marasigan O, Marya NB. Pancreatic-Pleural Fistula in a Patient With Recurrent Pancreatitis and Unknown Pancreatic Divisum. Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Cases 1.7 (2022): e220454. Published 2022 Sept 20.  

Rau P, Petersile M, Marya NB. Vigilance for barotrauma with the use of topical mineral powder hemostasis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2023;97(3):601-603.

ASGE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE COMMITTEE, Buxbaum JL, Freeman M, Amateau SK, Chalhoub JM, Chowdhury A, Coelho-Prabhu N, Das R, Desai M, Elhanafi SE, Forbes N, Fujii-Lau LL, Kohli DR, Kwon RS, Machicado JD, Marya NB, Pawa S, Ruan WH, Sadik J, Sheth SG, Thiruvengadam NR, Thosani NC, Zhou S, Qumseya BJ; (ASGE Standards of Practice Committee Chair). American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on post-ERCP pancreatitis prevention strategies: methodology and review of evidence. Gastrointest Endosc. 2023;97(2):163-183.e40.

Amateau SK, Kohli DR, Desai M, Chinnakotla S, Harrison ME, Chalhoub JM, Coelho-Prabhu N, Elhanafi SE, Forbes N, Fujii-Lau LL, Kwon RS, Machicado JD, Marya NB, Pawa S, Ruan W, Sheth SG, Thiruvengadam NR, Thosani NC, Qumseya BJ. American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guideline on management of post-liver transplant biliary strictures: methodology and review of evidence [published online ahead of print, 2023 Feb 8]. Gastrointest Endosc. 2023;S0016-5107(22)02032-6.

Hanscom M, Rau P, Marya NB. After sleeve gastrectomy, not all coughing is reflux. Gastrointest Endosc. 2023;97(3):595-596. 

Shingina A, Sarkar M, Feld L. On the Importance of Safe Access to Reproductive Options for Adolescents and Women With Liver Disease. Gastroenterology. 2022;163(4):792-794.

Roubil JG, Martins PN, Babak M, Bledsoe J, Bludevich BM, Barry C, Bozorgzadeh A. Resolution of Severe Graft Steatosis Before Living-Donor Liver Transplant After 86 Pounds of Weight Loss. Exp Clin Transplant. 2022;20(9):874-877.

Marya NB, Powers PD, Petersen BT, Law R, Storm A, Abusaleh RR, Rau P, Stead C, Levy MJ, Martin J, Vargas EJ, Abu Dayyeh BK, Chandrasekhara V. Identification of patients with malignant biliary strictures using a cholangioscopy-based deep learning artificial intelligence (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2023;97(2):268-278.e1.

Hanscom M, Stead C, Akhtar S, Marya NB. Single-session EUS-directed transgastric endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and transpapillary gallbladder drainage. VideoGIE. 2022;7(12):448-451.

Marya NB, Levy MJ. EUS-guided intratumoral therapies: more time on the treadmill. Gastrointest Endosc. 2022;95(6):1264-1267.

Rau P, Hanscom M, Amin D, Talat A, Dudekala A, Zivny J, Marshall C, Marya NB. Use of a novel helical tack system for the management of challenging upper gastrointestinal defects. VideoGIE. 2021;7(2):85-88.

Talat A, Troy S, Rau P, Hanscom M, Singh A, Zivny J, Marshall C, Marya NB. Single-session EUS-guided gastroenterostomy and EUS-guided gallbladder drainage in a patient with concomitant gastric outlet obstruction and acalculous cholecystitis. VideoGIE. 2021;7(2):71-73.

Kim E, Adeel A, Bozorgzadeh A, Amano S, Barry CT, Daly JS, Devuni D, Elaba Z, Houk L, Martins PN, Movahedi B, Ramanathan M, Theodoropoulos NM. Treatment of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease in Liver Transplant Recipients. Case Rep Transplant. 2021;2021:8981429.

Stead C, Hakimian S, Luffman C, Elaba Z, Orlowski G, Marya N. Sweet Syndrome, Not so Sweet during an Ulcerative Colitis Flare Especially When You Cannot Eat. Case Rep Gastrointest Med. 2021;2021:9940391.

Hanscom M, Stead C, Feldman H, Marya NB, Cave D. Video Capsule Endoscopy and Device-Assisted Enteroscopy. Dig Dis Sci. 2022;67(5):1539-1552.

Hanscom M, Anders S, Hakimian S, Dudekala A, Rau P, Singh A, Zivny J, Churrango G, Bhattacharya K, Marshall C, Marya NB. Novel dilation technique and stent selection to reduce periprocedural adverse events in left hepaticogastrostomy. VideoGIE. 2021;6(10):460-463. Published 2021 Aug 30.

Hanscom M, Schmidt A, Cherng N, Kelly J, Marya NB. EUS-guided duodenojejunostomy for the nonsurgical management of duodenal obstruction in a patient with complicated postsurgical anatomy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2021;94(5):1010-1011.

Hernandez A, Marya NB, Sawas T, et al. Gastrointestinal defect closure using a novel through-the-scope helix tack and suture device compared to endoscopic clips in a survival porcine model (with video) [published correction appears in Endosc Int Open. 2022 May 04;9(4):C12]. Endosc Int Open. 2021;9(4):E572-E577.

Sullivan P, Gupta S, Powers PD, Marya NB. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development for Application in Video Capsule Endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 2021;31(2):387-397.

Marya NB, Powers PD, Chari ST, Gleeson FC, Leggett CL, Abu Dayyeh BK, Chandrasekhara V, Iyer PG, Majumder S, Pearson RK, Petersen BT, Rajan E, Sawas T, Storm AC, Vege SS, Chen S, Long Z, Hough DM, Mara K, Levy MJ. Utilisation of artificial intelligence for the development of an EUS-convolutional neural network model trained to enhance the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis. Gut. 2021;70(7):1335-1344.

Marya NB, Powers PD, Fujii-Lau L, Abu Dayyeh BK, Gleeson FC, Chen S, Long Z, Hough DM, Chandrasekhara V, Iyer PG, Rajan E, Sanchez W, Sawas T, Storm AC, Wang KK, Levy MJ. Application of artificial intelligence using a novel EUS-based convolutional neural network model to identify and distinguish benign and malignant hepatic masses. Gastrointest Endosc. 2021;93(5):1121-1130.e1.

Feld LD, Shah NL. Connecting During the Virtual Interview Process: Lessons from Experience. Dig Dis Sci. 2021;66(3):917-918.

Eckardt AJ, Kheder J, Basil A, Silverstein T, Patel K, Mahmoud M, Al-Azzawi Y, Ellis D, Gillespie W, Carrasquillo Vega Y, Person SD, Levey JM. Trainee participation during screening colonoscopy does not affect ADR at subsequent surveillance, but may result in early follow-up. Endosc Int Open. 2020;8(12):E1732-E1740.

Marya NB, Wang L, Dasharathy S, Cusumano VT, Dong T, Fejleh MP, Phan J, Thaker AM, Condon A, Sedarat A, Muthusamy VR, Cave DR, Kim S. Development of a scoring system to predict a positive diagnosis on video capsule endoscopy for suspected small bowel bleeding. Techniques and Innovations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 22.4 (2020): 178-184.

Marya NB, Muthusamy RV. Methods for Endoscope Reprocessing. Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am. 2020;30(4):665-675.

Marya NB, Sawas T, Chandrasekhara V, Jaruvongvanich V, Maselli D, Levy MJ, Matar R, Storm AC, Abu Dayyeh BK. Every trick in the book: EUS angiotherapy for management of refractory bleeding secondary to a complicated duodenal ulcer in a patient with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. VideoGIE. 2020;5(10):461-463.

Navarro MED, Yao CC, Whiteley A, Movahedi B, Devuni D, Barry C, Zacharias I, Theodoropoulos NM, Bozorgzadeh A, Martins PN. Liver transplant evaluation for fulminant liver failure due to acute hepatitis A infection: Case series and literature review. Transpl Infect Dis. 2021;23(2):e13476.

Marya NB, Sawas T, Chandrasekhara V, Jaruvongvanich V, Maselli D, Levy M, Martin J, Petersen BT, Storm AC, Abu Dayyeh BK. Start of a new TREnD: TransRemnant Endoscopic Drainage for management of walled-off necrosis in a patient with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. VideoGIE. 2020;5(9):421-424.

Marya NB, Martin JA, Sawas T, Abu Dayyeh BK, Levy MJ, Storm AC, Petersen BT, Chandrasekhara V. ERCP-directed electrohydraulic lithotripsy for treatment of cystic duct and remnant gallbladder stones. VideoGIE. 2020;5(7):300-303.

Marya NB, Levy MJ. Celiac plexus neurolysis versus opioid analgesic therapy: Are we still guided by the presumptions? Gastrointest Endosc. 2020;92(1):131-133.

Jawaid S, Marya NB, Hicks M, Marshall C, Bhattacharya K, Cave D. Prospective cost analysis of early video capsule endoscopy versus standard of care in non-hematemesis gastrointestinal bleeding: a non-inferiority study. J Med Econ. 2020;23(1):10-16.

Hakimian S, Patel K, Cave D. Sending in the ViCE Squad: Evaluation and Management of Patients with Small Intestinal Bleeding. Dig Dis Sci. 2020;65(5):1307-1314.

Marshall C. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. In: Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine 9th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer; 2023.

Supporting a Diverse Work Environment

Feld LD, Cleveland ER, Rabinowitz LG, Rao VL, Bushyhead D, Couri T, Issaka RB. Analysis of Speaker Introduction Formality by Gender at the American College of Gastroenterology 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting. Dig Dis Sci. 2022;67(4):1209-1212.

Feld LD. Baby Steps in the Right Direction: Toward a Parental Leave Policy for Gastroenterology Fellows. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021;116(3):505-508.

Basic Research

Choudhury A, Ratna A, Lim A, Sebastian RM, Moore CL, Filliol AA, Bledsoe J, Dai C, Schwabe RF, Shoulders MD, Mandrekar P. Loss of heat shock factor 1 promotes hepatic stellate cell activation and drives liver fibrosis. Hepatol Commun. 2022;6(10):2781-2797.

Rahman R, Iftikhar A, Robert S, Ben Saad A, Mullen AC. Singletrome: A method to analyze and enhance the transcriptome with long noncoding RNAs for single cell analysis. bioRxiv. 2022 2022.10.31.514182.

Hess A, Gentile SD, Ben Saad A, Rahman R, Habboub T, and Mullen AC. Single cell transcriptomic landscapes of human liver organoids stratify models of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. bioRxiv. 2022. 2022.07.19.500693.

Li W, Chen JY, Sun C, Sparks RP, Pantano L, Rahman RU, Moran SP, Pondick JV, Kirchner R, Wrobel D, Bieler M, Sauer A, Ho Sui SJ, Doerner JF, Rippmann JF, Mullen AC. Nanchangmycin regulates FYN, PTK2, and MAPK1/3 to control the fibrotic activity of human hepatic stellate cells. Elife. 2022;11:e74513.

Mahpour A, Mullen AC. Expanded transcriptomic analysis of human hepatic stellate cells links novel coding and noncoding products to human liver fibrosis. bioRxiv. 2022. 2022.02.01.478715

Ratna A, Lim A, Li Z, Argemi J, Bataller R, Chiosis G, Mandrekar P. Myeloid Endoplasmic Reticulum Resident Chaperone GP96 Facilitates Inflammation and Steatosis in Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease. Hepatol Commun. 2021;5(7):1165-1182.

Daneshvar K, Ardehali MB, Klein IA, Hsieh FK, Kratkiewicz AJ, Mahpour A, Cancelliere SOL, Zhou C, Cook BM, Li W, Pondick JV, Gupta SK, Moran SP, Young RA, Kingston RE, Mullen AC. lncRNA DIGIT and BRD3 protein form phase-separated condensates to regulate endoderm differentiation. Nat Cell Biol. 2020;22(10):1211-1222.

Choudhury A, Bullock D, Lim A, Argemi J, Orning P, Lien E, Bataller R, Mandrekar P. Inhibition of HSP90 and Activation of HSF1 Diminish Macrophage NLRP3 Inflammasome Activity in Alcohol-Associated Liver Injury. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2020;44(6):1300-1311.

King JA, Nephew BC, Choudhury A, Poirier GL, Lim A, Mandrekar P. Chronic alcohol-induced liver injury correlates with memory deficits: Role for neuroinflammation. Alcohol. 2020;83:75-81.