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Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship

The UMass 4th year advanced endoscopy program comprises of a one year clinical fellowship designed for recent general gastroenterology fellowship graduates interested in pursuing training in ERCP, EUS as well as other new endoscopic technologies.

Advanced endoscopy fellow will spend majority of his/her time in dedicated advanced endoscopy suites located in the university hospital operating rooms.UMass performs more than 1000 ERCP and 1500 EUS procedures yearly across outpatient as well as inpatient settings. In addition to choledocholithiasis, the advanced fellow will have an opportunity to manage complex biliary/pancreatic strictures, spyglass lithotripsy and biliary/pancreatic stenting. The advanced fellow will also learn to use endoscopic ultrasound to stage a variety of gastrointestinal malignancies, necrosectomy with lumen-apposing stents as well as fine needle aspiration/biopsies. The program also offers significant exposure to EMR, RFA for Barrett's esophagus, enteroscopy and enteric stenting.

Additionally, UMass is one of few advanced endoscopy programs in the country which has access to an on-campus animal laboratory. Prior advanced fellows have undergone ex-vivo and in-vivo training for endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). 

Applications: We currently accept one advanced endoscopy fellow per year. UMass participates in the ASGE match. Please visit https://www.asgematch.com for further information.


Anupam Singh, MDAnupam Singh, MD

Program Director

Jaroslav Zivny, MDJaroslav Zivny, MD Christopher Marshall, MDChristopher Marshall, MD


Current Fellow

Anwar Dudekula, MD