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Hind Limb Ischemia

Throughout the United States, about 10 million people suffer from peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and is also prevalent worldwide. There are limited medical therapies for symptomatic relief are limited. Interventions via surgical or endovascular are only useful for some, with long-term results often being disappointing. There is an increasing need for the development of new therapies for PAD treatment.

The murine hind limb is one of the most widely used preclinical models to study therapeutic angiogenesis

Measurement of lower extremity blood flow restoration (micro-circulation) analysis

  • MoorFLPI-2 blood flow imager (Seen Below images)
  • Micro-computed tomography (microCT/Micro PET), for 3D anatomic study of neovascularization development after ischemia. Utilizing standard contrast agents as well as polymerizing vascular contrast agents such as MICROFIL®

        MoorFLPI-2 blood flow imaging

                            Day-0, imediatly post SX                                                              Day-3 Imaging                                                        Day-7 Imaging                                


                           Day-14 Imaging                                                         Day-21 Imaging


                                      Study Example Data Showing Return of Vascularization Male and Female from Day 0 Through 28