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Clinical Care

photo of physicianThe Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Medical Center provides comprehensive diabetes and endocrinology services to all residents in our region. Our faculty specializes in different aspects of endocrinology and diabetes. The clinical arm of the Diabetes Center of Excellence provides team-based comprehensive diabetes care at our main campus in Worcester, and satellite campuses at Health Alliance, Leominster, Fitchburg Family Practice, Fitchburg, and at the Tri-River Family Health Center in Uxbridge. We also provide diabetes services in collaboration with Milford Regional Medical Center. 

Our diabetes care team comprises of:

  • Endocrinologists
  • Advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners)
  • Certified diabetes care and education specialists
  • Nutritionists
  • Pharmacists

We offer a no-cost coach program, staffed by trained pharmacists, for individuals who are struggling with managing their diabetes. Our clinic in Worcester sees over 22,000 patient visits each year, while our Diabetes and Endocrinology inpatient services see up to 50 patients a day. 

Our Endocrinology clinic incorporates a specialized thyroid center which offers state-of-the-art management of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer. We have facilities for on-site ultrasound and fine needle biopsy including genetic analysis. There is a metabolic weight loss center with board-certified faculty in obesity medicine, who specialize in individualized management plans for weight loss. We collaborate with the Division of Rheumatology to offer a metabolic bone program for the management of osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases. We also offer general endocrinology services which include management of parathyroid and calcium disorders, pituitary disease, adrenal disorders, and reproductive endocrinology. The endocrinology clinic in Worcester sees over 17,000 patients each year.

The Diabetes Center of Excellence also operates an in-patient blood glucose management service staffed by three endocrinologists and four advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners). The service offers consultative advice on hospitalized patients with hyperglycemia. Team members assist with optimal use of insulin pumps and continuous glucose management in the hospital. Better glucose control in hospitalized patients has been shown to improve outcomes and the medical team aims to get patients to the optimal glycemic goals.

The endocrinology consult service provides consultative services for in-patients with endocrine problems such as hypercalcemia, suspected adrenal insufficiency, post-operative management after pituitary surgery, suspected secondary hypertension, thyroid emergencies, and other endocrine conditions.  

To learn more and book an appointment, click here.