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Wildnerness Medicine (ME-4155/EM-4155)

Elective Description

The wilderness medicine elective is a combination of lectures, hands-on skills training, and simulation scenarios to help students gain an appreciation for low-resource medicine and treatment of common injuries and illnesses encountered in the wilderness setting.  Students will learn splinting, emergency patient transport, and life-saving wilderness procedures.

Class will involve self-study assignments, didactic sessions, and hands-on with outdoor sessions. Didactic sessions may be in-person or virtual. Active and hands-on outdoors sessions will include planning and executing patient assessments and treatments, patient evacuations, and survival skills with optional weather-dependent outdoor activity options including hiking, biking, climbing, and camping with interspersed simulations. Not all classrooms have four walls.


  • Altitude ilness
  • Avalanche
  • Lightning
  • Envenomations
  • Toxic plants
  • Frostbite
  • Dive Emergencies
  • Wilderness survival skills

Date: This elective is usually held in early April for 2 weeks.

Contact Information: Hillary Irons, MD