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Quality research is one of the core aspects of our mission in the Division of Emergency Ultrasound. Areas of POCUS research have included echo, renal colic, gallbladder, soft tissue, IVC, free air, eFAST, ocular, carotid corrected flow time, U/S education, and dengue fever.

We have served as one of the host sites for the REASON network studying the impact of POCUS echo in cardiac arrest patients. Our U/S faculty and fellows and EM residents take an active role in research projects and present research annually at national conferences, including ACEP, SAEM, AIUM, and SCUF.

Current Projects

REASON 3: Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest
- Host institution for a multi-center study investigating the role of ultrasound in cardiac arrest through identification of a sonographic rhythm.

POCUS Soft Tissue Standoff
- Comparison of ultrasound interfaces for detection of soft tissue foreign bodies.

Chest imaging for Pneumothorax
- Comparison of Chest Imaging Techniques to Identify Clinically Significant Pneumothorax and Hemothorax in Trauma Patients.

Lifeflight POCUS training
- Evaluation of a POCUS training program for air paramedics.

Ultrasound Evaluation for Free Intraperitoneal Air
- Collaborative investigation between the Department of Emergency Medicine, Radiology, and General Surgery evaluating the ability of point-of-care ultrasound to identify intraperitoneal free air.

- Multi-center investigation of femoral nerve/fascia iliac block in pediatric femur fracture patients.