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The Chancellor’s Award for Advancing the UMass Chan Mission (est. 2013)

2018 Chancellors Award - Advancing the Mission.jpg 

Chancellor’s Award for Advancing the UMass Chan Mission (est. 2013)

The Chancellor’s Award for Advancing the UMass Chan Mission recognizes an individual staff member or team whose actions make a substantial impact in advancing the mission of the medical school through public service, research, teaching and health care delivery. The honorees do so with commitment to the vision and mission of UMass Chan; dedication to always supporting what is in the best interest of UMass Chan; initiative to accomplish goals using new and improved methods; vision to see opportunities for change and develop innovative solutions; and passion for achieving UMass Chan goals and mission.

2020 Nomination Form

2019: Office of Admissions Staff
2018: Campus Solutions Team, Information Technology
2017: Administrative Team, Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology
2016: Robert Layne, MEd, director of outreach programs 
2015: Work Without Limits Employer Engagement Team, ForHealth Consulting
2014: Elaine Martin, DA, director of the Lamar Soutter Library
2013: Jack Luippold, chief of police

About Chancellor's Mission Award 

The Chancellor’s Award for Advancing the UMass Chan Mission is bestowed annually upon an individual UMass Chan staff member or team whose actions make a substantial impact in advancing the mission of the UMass Chan Medical School through: public service, research, teaching, and healthcare delivery, in two or more of the following ways: 

  • Commitment to the vision and mission of UMass Chan
  • Dedication to always supporting what is in the best interest of UMass Chan
  • Initiative to accomplish goals using new and improved methods
  • Vision to see opportunities for change and develop innovative solutions
  • Passion for achieving UMass Chan goals and mission
  • Passionate engagement resulting in meaningful impact to our community
  • Relationship building in the community forging alliances and partnerships

Nomination Eligibility Criteria:

  1. UMass Chan benefited exempt and non-exempt employees (non-faculty) with a minimum of three years of employment. 
  2. Employee has fulfilled all job duties, and has performed “above and beyond” the scope of their position responsibilities.