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Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Allies Committee

lgtba luncheon 2017 

Being an ally is powerful; LGBTA Journal Club! (ARTICLE THAT WAS DISCUSSED HERE)

Are you interested in developing more awareness and sensitivity toward LGBT matters? We will discuss a recent publication from the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry titled: Positive Aspects of Being a Heterosexual Ally to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) People.

This was the first Journal club meeting for LGBT issues sponsored by the LGBTA committee of the CEOD. The discussion group was designed to give our campus more insight into LGBT issues through a literature lens. Please see the attached article, we will summarize the article and discuss.

LGBTQ+ @ UMass

Meaning of the letters

The meaning of the letters LGBTA. L is Lesbian, G is Gay, B is Bisexual, T is Transgender, A is an ally or supporter. Often Q and I are added. Q is added to the mix to signify Queer or Questioning and I is Intersex, a person born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the typical definitions of male or female.

A handy guide by Sam Killerman of http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com The Genderbread person, an explanation of many terms


Best Practices - Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community - Presentation by Ben Green

UCSF Transgender Health Learning Center

The UMass Amherst Stonewall Center http://www.umass.edu/stonewall/

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is an LGBT advocacy organization.

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) National

Safe Homes


Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (AVEN):www.asexuality.org

Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywherewww.colage.org

A consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals:www.lgbtcampus.org

GLBT National Help Centerwww.glbtnationalhelpcenter.org

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamationwww.glaad.org

Gay and Lesbian Medical Associationwww.glma.org

Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals:www.noglstp.org

Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Networkwww.glsen.org

Human Rights Campaignwww.hrc.org

Immigration Equalityhttp://immigrationequality.org

Lambda Legalwww.lambdalegal.org

Mautner Project of Whitman-Walker Health (support for LBT women addressing serious illness) www.whitman-walker.org

National Center for Lesbian Rightswww.nclrights.org

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programswww.avp.org

National LGBTQ Task Forcewww.thetaskforce.org

Out and Equal Workplace Advocateswww.outandequal.org

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gayswww.pflag.org

Point Foundationwww.pointfoundation.org

Pride at Workwww.prideatwork.org

The Trevor Projectwww.thetrevorproject.org


The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Allies (LGBTA) Committee supports LGBTA faculty, staff and students in the University Community. The committee works to create a visible network of support and serves as a resource for the UMass Chan LGBT community.

The LGBTA committee provides in collaboration with the DIO education related to Safe Space and Allies.  The educations are an opportunity for participants to become members of the institution network of support and to assure that UMass Chan is a safe place for everyone.  In addition, the LGBTA committee regularly presents educational, cultural and social programs to support a community of inclusion.

Get Involved!

It is important for staff and faculty to be involved! Contact the committee co-chair, go to an event or meeting or contact CEOD at umassmed.edu (email).