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Dermatology Fellowships

Procedural Dermatology Fellowship

A one-year fellowship in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and cutaneous oncology was initiated in July 1999 under the direction of Dr. Mary Maloney. The Mohs fellow is an active participant in all aspects of surgical care, from tumor removal to reconstruction. Fellows also gain extensive experience with post-operative wound management and dermabrasion. The Mohs fellow is highly involved in resident teaching, providing didactic lectures and helping to precept a resident surgery clinic. Starting July of 2010 we have transitioned to an ACGME accredited procedural dermatology fellowship. In addition to training in Mohs surgery, the fellow is trained in laser and cosmetic procedures including botulinum toxin, chemical peels, and dermal fillers.


Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship

A one year clinical fellowship in pediatric dermatology was initiated in July 2003. The fellows participate in busy general pediatric dermatology clinics, inpatient consultations in the Children's  Medical Center, NICU, and newborn nurseries, pediatric laser and surgical clinics. Fellows are involved in teaching pediatric and dermatology residents. There are unique opportunities to learn from twice monthly Epidermolysis Bullosa clinics, Genodermatoses clinics six times per year and every other week Down Syndrome clinics.There is much exposure to pediatric laser procedures and opportunities to perform pediatric dermatologic surgery with our Mohs surgeons. The staff includes two board certified pediatric dermatologists (Leah Belazarian, MD and Karen Wiss, MD), a Mohs surgeon (Dori Goldberg, MD) and is part of the UMass Dermatology Department and the Children’s Medical Center.  Highlights of the fellowship include a very collegial group, busy outpatient clinics, guided indepence, location in the great Boston area, and excellent racial/socioeconomic mix of patients. Our fellowship is ABD-approved and available to those without previous pediatric training. 

Interested candidates must have completed a dermatology residency in the US or Canada and must be US citizens or permanent residents of the US. Salaries and benefits are at the PGY-5 level. Please send CV and 2 letters of recommendation to Karen Wiss, MD at Karen.Wiss@umassmemorial.org or to 281 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 01605.

Dermatopathology Fellowship

Our dermatopathology fellowship is an ACGME-accredited, one year program geared to prepare individuals for an academic career in Dermatopathology. The program was started in 2009 and is jointly sponsored by the Departments of Pathology and Dermatology at the University of Massachusetts in Worcester. If interested in dermatopathology fellowship contact the program administrator Sherry Jakubiak at 508- 793-6156 or Sherry.Jakubiak@umassmed.edu. https://www.umassmed.edu/pathology/residency/dermatopathology-fellowship/