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UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence Blog

Holiday Eating Tips

miércoles, diciembre 07, 2022


It's not easy

The holiday season is a difficult time for healthy eating. Travel, parties, desserts and alcohol make managing diabetes a challenge. These tips are intended to help you make smart food decisions, own what you choose to eat and plan ahead.

Write it down

Commit to yourself in writing. Display it in on the fridge or someplace where you'll see it every day. If you need help with your diabetes management this holiday season, such as adjusting insulin with carbohydrate intake, discuss it with your diabetes care team.

Strategies for holiday gatherings and "Season's Eatings"

These strategies from the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) will help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels and still enjoy parties. As with everything else with diabetes, you'll need to take a few extra steps.

  • Eat a small, balanced meal or snack before leaving home. Arriving to a party hungry makes you more likely to overindulge.
  • Bring a healthy dish that you enjoy and can substitute for less healthy options.
  • Check out ALL food options before putting anything on your plate. Decide which foods are worth eating and which can be ignored, then stick to that decision.
  • If you taste something you don’t enjoy... don’t finish it!
  • Eat vegetables first. Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and tomatoes are healthy options on most appetizer tables. Take only a small spoonful of dip or skip it entirely.
  • Chips & crackers should be eaten in moderation, and avoid eating them directly from the bag. Put a few on a small plate and don’t load them with creamy mayo-based dips.
  • Avoid grazing by not hanging out near the food. Focus on socializing instead of eating.
  • Enjoy your favorite holiday treats in small portions. Eat slowly and savor the taste and texture.
  • Additional blood sugar checks during a party may help you to make healthier decisions.
  • Drink a large glass of water before each meal. 
  • Take a walk after the meal or exercise the day of a party. Physical activity keeps you focused on your goals and provides a welcome break from being surrounded by treats. Exercise is also a great way to lower blood sugar levels!


The "Big Meal"

  • Eat breakfast or snacks earlier in the day and avoid the idea of saving carbs for the big meal later in the day. Skipping meals can make it more difficult to manage your blood sugar.
  • Limit the amount of starchy foods on your plate. It'll be tempting to have some mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and rolls, however, try to choose just one of those items. Or only take a little of each.
  • Choose fruits & vegetables served raw, grilled or steamed. Avoid vegetables in creams, gravy and butter.
  • Stick to calorie-free drinks such as water, tea, seltzer, etc. If you drink alcohol, limit the amount and consume it with food. Discuss with your care team about whether alcohol is safe for you.  

Define "A Drink?"        

Most people living with diabetes can safely drink alcohol in moderation, which means an occasional drink or two. Alcohol reduces blood glucose levels. It's important to remember that drinking on an empty stomach may cause low blood glucose or hypoglycemia.

Avoid sweet sugary alcoholic drinks as they will be high in carbohydrates and will raise your blood sugar. If you enjoy wine, 5 oz. of red wine is a lower carb option with 4 carbohydrates per drink. If you prefer hard alcohol, 1.5 ounces of vodka, whiskey, or gin with a diet drink should have little to no carbs.

Make sure to drink plenty of water after every alcoholic drink. Learn more about Alcohol & Diabetes.

And remember...

If you overindulge, don’t beat yourself up. The feeling of regret after eating a large amount food, and/or eating something unhealthy, is called "Eater's Remorse." If you decide to eat or drink something that's not good for you...own it and make a plan to get back on track.