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Childhood trauma often causes psychological, emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms. But a lack of professionals trained in trauma-informed care for children means most don’t receive the child mental health services they need to heal.

At Lifeline for Kids, we help youth, families, and child-serving professionals better understand, identify, and respond to child trauma—improving outcomes today and long into the future.

Increasing Access to Trauma-Informed Care for Youth:
How We Help

Our trauma-informed practice and evidence-based therapy trainings, consultation services and resources
help youth and families learn how to heal from child trauma.
Learn about our core services:

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Trauma-informed care training

We offer a variety of trauma-informed care trainings for child-serving professionals and organizations. These trainings help develop, enhance and strengthen their ability to identify, screen for and respond to trauma-related symptoms. Learn about our trauma-informed care trainings.

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Trauma-informed therapy training

Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is the most rigorously tested treatment for trauma in children. We offer TF-CBT training and consultation to clinicians and supervisors around the country. Get more details about our TF-CBT training.

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Trauma-informed care consulting

Our consultants help organizations become trauma-informed service settings and assist professionals to integrate trauma-informed approaches practically and sustainably into their workflows. Read more about trauma-informed care consultation.

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Our toll-free number (1-855-LINK-KID) is for Massachusetts
families and professionals. It connects youth in need of
evidence-based trauma treatments with mental health
professionals trained in them, including Trauma-Focused
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
, Child Parent Psychotherapy,
Attachment, Regulation, and Competency, Parent
Children Interaction Therapy
and more. To learn more,
make a referral, get services or if you are a clinician
interested in joining our database, visit our centralized referral
system, LINK-KID.

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Resilience Through Relationships Initiative

Resilience is a proven antidote to trauma, and we know that
resilience is grown in supportive caregiving relationships.
Our Resilience Through Relationships initiative seeks to
promote protective factors in children, parents, caregivers
and families.

Our Child Mental Health Services: Who We Help

Our mission is to improve the standard of care for trauma exposed youth across the U.S., with a particular focus on:

  • Systems-involved youth
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning (LGBTQ) youth
  • Transition age youth (16 to 25)
  • Youth impacted by parental substance misuse
  • Youth victims of commercial sexual exploitation/trafficking

We partner with a wide range of professionals
who work in:

Child welfare organizations
▪ Nonprofit organizations
▪ Courts and the justice system
▪ Government systems
Pediatric and other medical settings
Mental health agencies