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What to do if you have exposure symptoms or test positive for COVID-19

UMass Chan students, please click here

UMass Chan employees, please read below.

If you have COVID-19 symptoms:

  • Click here for a simple flowchart of what to do next and read the instructions below.

  • Anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should stay off campus and take an at-home rapid test. Note that a negative result using an at-home rapid test does not reliably rule out COVID-19 infection because rapid tests are less sensitive than PCR tests. PCR tests are no longer available through EHS or SHS. Repeating an at-home test at 48 hours later will improve the likelihood of detecting a COVID-19 infection. Regardless of the test result, you should call EHS for return-to-work guidance. Anyone returning to work with symptoms must wear a mask on campus until symptoms resolve.

If your COVID-19 test is positive:

  • Employees who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home, notify their manager and call Employee Health at 508-793-6400 to report the positive test result.
  • Students should stay home and call Student Health at 508-334-2818. Students participating in clinical placements should notify Employee Health at that site.
  • Employees and students must contact EHS or SHS, respectively, for return-to-work guidance. 

In general, employees who test positive for COVID-19 may return to work when the following conditions are met:

  • It has been more than 5 days since your positive test. The day you take the COVID-19 test is Day 0. Your earliest return to work is Day 6. For example, if you test positive on Feb. 1 you could return to work on Feb. 7.
  • No fever in the last 24 hours without having taken acetaminophen, aspirin, naproxen or ibuprofen
  • No diarrhea or vomiting
  • No persistent cough

Individuals at high risk due to underlying medical conditions may self-refer by calling the UMass Memorial COVID Treatment Line at (800) 431-5151.

In addition, the following steps must be taken following a positive test:

  • On days 6-10, you must wear a mask while in any Medical School facility. During this time, you may only remove your mask briefly while eating and should only consume food while alone or at least 10-feet from others. 
  • Employees should inform Employee Health when they have returned to work by sending an email with their name and date of birth to Employee_Health_COVID19_mailbox@umassmemorial.org.

If your COVID-19 PCR test is negative:

Employees with a negative PCR test who continue to experience symptoms should contact EHS for instructions. If permitted to return to work with residual symptoms, employees must mask at work until symptoms resolve. In general, employees are allowed to return to work when the following conditions are met:

  • No fever in the last 24 hours without having taken acetaminophen, aspirin, naproxen or ibuprofen
  • No diarrhea or vomiting
  • No persistent cough

If you are exposed to someone with COVID-19:

Exposure is defined as being within six feet of someone with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes. If you have been exposed, you may come to campus but must wear a well-fitted surgical, N95 or KN95 mask when around others for 10 days after the last exposure.

If you had a high-risk exposure (such as a prolonged unmasked exposure or if you are living with someone who has COVID-19) or if you work in proximity to people who are at high risk for COVID-19:

  • Consider working from home if your professional duties allow and if your supervisor approves.
  • Take an at-home rapid test 3-5 days after the last exposure. If positive, see guidance above.
  • If you had a lower risk exposure, take a rapid test on Day 5 after last exposure and continue to wear a well-fitted surgical, N95 or KN95 mask while on campus through Day 10, even if your test is negative.

If at any time you begin to experience symptoms, refer to the guidance above.